@keea1111 said:
Can someone help me figure out why sometimes, and seemingly without cause, I become unable to get close to my model to work the details. When I zoom in, the model gets cut off, as if I'm opening up a wall, but in perspective I'm actually 8' or so away from my model. Now, it's very difficult to draw any detail. Anyone have any experience with this...much thanks, Keea
Solution 1 (most effective):
Reduce the field of view even as low as in single digits until the clipping plane doesn't intrude. Yes, practically you'll be working in an almost paralleled projection mode (field of view = 0) but who cares if you can get the job done on every detail.
Solution 2 (relatively more messy but still very effective and possible to combine with solution 1 - also the only solution for missing faces on very small polygons after using follow path tool):
Select the object / group / component that cannot be properly edited due to the clipping planes activating and scale it up a round factor (2, 3, 4, 5 even 10 times) edit it and the scale it down. Even simpler work with components and place a copy of the desired one somewhere in the scene (or in another Sketchup instance entirely) then scale it up then open it then edit it and the delete it. All the editing will translate to all other instances which are impossible (in ignoring the solution 1) to edit in their actual size and are cumbersome to scale up and down individually.
Hope it helps ! That is if you didn't already find the answer
All best!