Hi, You can also use my LayerManager plugin, which lets you click on object(s) you want to turn their layers off. And more

RE: Rigth Click turn layer off
RE: Get_element_value issue (on Mac)
Hi Dan,
First option (using "id" instead of "name") does'nt work, so clearly this is a sync problem.
Second option (js) works, but what a complex coding for such a simple task... Mac sucks -
RE: Get_element_value issue (on Mac)
Thanks Dan, I'll try that asap
and let you know which solution works...
Get_element_value issue (on Mac)
Hi all,
I'm puzzled with this:
I'm using a WebDialog to get some data from the user, in this case a project name.
Everything works OK on PC, but on Mac "get_element_value returns a void string "".
Anyone encountered this before ? (I didn't find anything related to this issue on this forum, maybe I missed something ?)in the webdialog method:
@args={} @project_dialog.add_action_callback("main_dlg_ok") { |d, p| @args["projectName"] = d.get_element_value("projectName") # other stuff goes here... @project_dialog.close }
in the HTML file:
<input size="20" form="Project" name="projectName" value="Nom du projet" type="text"> }
RE: SKETCHUP plugin to register an origins (axes)
You can also save a style with each of your axes settings, like so:
RE: Scenes tabs sequencing ?
@unknownuser said:
I just re-read the description for Pages.add
I should have done so...
Along with your "save camera" and "get_page_flags" methods, this will be easy to regenerate all my pages in the correct order (which I want to be always the same).
Thanks folks, -
RE: Scenes tabs sequencing ?
Thanks guys for your answers, they sure will help!
But what a bunch of code to do a simple task like that by script... -
Scenes tabs sequencing ?
Hi all,
I would like to change the sequence of the scenes tabs by script, such as what you can do with a right-clic on a scene tab: move left, move right ,etc (see image).
Is there a way to do this with Ruby ? I don't think so...
Regards, -
RE: [Plugin] Layer manager
Yes, you can save as many layer states as you want.
Try to overwrite any of your previously saved layer state and see if it is still there.
I guess this is a bug but the layer state you overwrite will not be overwritten.
Regards, -
RE: [Plugin] SU2POV 3.5
Il y a 2 possibilités:- soit le fichier "povray_reserved.txt" n'est pas là ou pas au bon endroit (dans Plugins/su2pov)
- soit le fichier "su2pov35.rbs" n'est pas là ou pas au bon endroit (dans Plugins)
Tiens moi au courant
RE: [PlugIn] 3D Printers G-Code importer/Exporter Ver0.0.9
Call me stupid but how to launch the script ?? -
RE: [Plugin] SU2POV 3.5
By "run su2pov" I was meaning "click on the render icon".
Sorry it was not clear, please try again. Thank you. -
RE: [Plugin] SU2POV 3.5
Hi artfreak,
Weird. Mine works like a charm. Please open the ruby console, run su2pov and copy-paste the entire error message please (so I can see at what line the "split" crashes. Thanks. -
RE: [Plugin] Compo Spray 1.4.2 Updated
No, it drops components one by one but when it cannot drop an instance at the location the ray hit the surface, this is considered like a "trial".
RE: [Plugin] Compo Spray 1.4.2 Updated
@Sir: density is set with the "pressure" parameter of the dialog box.
Take a look at the user guide just in case... -
RE: Creating object panoramas
@unknownuser said:
is there a plugin to create all the required camera positions for this kind of object
Take a look at this script I wrote a long time ago, check if it works with SU8:
RE: [Plugin] Compo Spray 1.4.2 Updated
It seems to me like your installation is wrong, because you miss the sliders. Check for a "CSS", a "IMAGES" and a "JS" folders under the Compospray folder ? -
RE: [Plugin] Update Links Manager
Here is another version for Links Manager (english version) that should work. The scrambler does not his job properly IMHO...
Put this file in your Plugins/Links Manager folder, and delete the previous linkTools.rbs
RE: [Plugin] Compo Spray 1.4.2 Updated
@unknownuser said:
Is there anyway to apply rotation in the 3 axes? Instead of just one.
Not in this release, but this is a good idea...