Sketchup itself is the perfect BAT tool
@unknownuser said:
A long time ago I downloaded gmax, to creat buildings for simcity 4. After a while I mentioned that this program is really hard to work with. Yesterday I read somewhere on the sketchup website that it is possible to use sketschup for the creating of buildings for simcity 4. The one who wrote that tekst did not explain how, and I couldn't find his emailadress either, so I can't ask him. Is it possible to export sketchup moddels into gmax?
@unknownuser said:
Its a bit more complicated but it will work indefinetly with the free version of SU.
First you'll need a copy of blender. Then you need to export your model form free SU as a google earth 4 file. Once youve done this, find the file and change its extension to .zip (.kmz files are actually just zip files in disguise.)
If you then open up the zip file you'll find a folder called 'models', in there you will find your model with the extension .dae. This file format can be imported in to blender, and then from blender you can export your model as a .3ds