@gaieus said:
@chrisu02 said:
So i need to scale them exactly which the normal scale is not able with the grips on the part shown
Why would the normal scale not be able to do that? The scale tool is extremely powerful. Are you using modification keys (Shift and Ctrl) to control its behaviour?
When i import for example a gear the diameter does have "~456,7mm" instead of 18mm.
to scale it to exactly 18mm (not only about!) it`s nearly impossible for me.
@gaieus said:
Thanks (it's nearly 2 a.m. here) 
Also, after you started to scale, you need not hold the mouse (hard to type that way) just release it and type away.
@box said:
Gaieus, it's simply that he has missed how to input measurements etc
When using any tool in SU, start the tool moving in the desired way then type the specifics and hit enter.
You don't have to be in the box to type.
So to scale for example, drag one corner and type 10 enter and it will become 10 times larger.
You can type all sorts of things, 10cm enter or 10m enter or .1 enter etc etc
I didn`t know that trick that i need to release the mousebutten you are great
this brings it one step further but scaling only goes through the diagonal of the part not an normal length.
@box said:
same time here 
Also, as well as being able to scale exactly, you can use the tape measure tool to resize the whole model to a known measurement.
If you know the length of one line is 7.59m then by using the tape measure it will adjust/scale everything to that measurement.
Click at beginning of line, click at end of line, type 7.59m, hit enter, it will ask if you want to resize the model.
Wow Now i`m speechless, thats EXACTLY what i was searching for since weeeks !!!

Thank you sooo much 
Now i can make the cool 3D Stuff like i want to make them with out punish me with weired tools like Openscad and so on