I think the best way to choose plugins is to let practical work make the decision for you. (for any app' with plugin facilities).

Just get cracking on with some models using the standard tools, and identify..
A) Things you need to do, but the standard tools can't manage it.
B) Complex actions that you need to repeat a lot, and really want a quicker way to do it.
C) Recommendations from other forum users who are trying to solve the same problem as you.
...then do a targeted search for a plugin to fit exactly what you need.

I find this much better than just loading lots of plugins "just to try them"; no matter how clever they are, they will just become HDD clutter if they are not truly useful to your models - and that clutter can be a real pain, as plugin file management (one big folder!) is a totally "manual" experience, and you will be glad that you have only a "slim" collection if you ever need to diagnose slow-boots or bugsplats!

There also comes a point when you can have so many plugin, that going back to the standard tools becomes faster than looking for some tutorial videos, to remind yourself how a rarely-used plugin actually works! So my big tip is this - consider carefully which plugins you DO NOT need, and eliminate them from your HDD mercilessly so that SU boots fast, and you are not swamped by extra toobars/menu items etc. that are no longer meaningful.
That will leave you enough (tidy!) room in your plugin folder for an occasional "experiment" with a new crazy plugin when you need inspiration to break out of "designer's block".