top modelling! i can feel a "render this" thread coming up
RE: Syd Mead's VEX (model progression)
looking good! although there are two things for camera setup i would change...
keep the camera levelled...the vertical lines here give the impression that the building is falling over.
there's too much driveway shown in this picture, it steals the focus from the building and the texture of it also tiles up too bad for giving it this much attention.
...and i just discovered that you cropped the tip of the roof on the right sight.
RE: Sample Model for Rendering - Ferrari
in the streets of Paris... rendered with Thea unbiased TR 1 (rendertime 25 minutes), slightly adjustet contrast and brightness in photoshop.
who else thinks this car looks like a frog who just told a joke and waits for reactions?
RE: Sample Model for Rendering - Ferrari
the ferrari model of the initial post is indeed not a good one...there are a ton of converted 3ds car models inside the warehouse which are more suitable for a comparison like this. not that i'm saying that sketchup cars can't look good...take a look at eliseis' work for example.
nevertheless, here's a rendering from me made with Thea from a Mercedes C63 AMG Black Series 3dwarehouse model.
RE: Detached house project
thanks oli for your advice! i'll keep that in mind... there will be something like hedge vegetation along the boundary of the garden, so i hope this will add to realism of this scene
my pleasure Kim!
@bryan k said:
Oh wow.
And you say it isn't finished?
yes, as the final output has to be an animation, i have to detail every corner where the camera will fly there's still alot to do here
RE: Detached house project
@mike amos said:
Very nice Carloh but steady on, it's possible to go right off someone THAT good.......
Erm...i have to admit that this is the first time here that my english skills leave me in the dark...all i get from this sentence is the thumbs up, so thanks for that
@frederik said:
One thing...
Can you share the technique you've used to create the big emitting glass bowls in the below render...?
Or perhaps you can even share a render ready 'skippy'...?Of course...there's not much magic in these. it's just a sphere i got from the warehouse, put it through artisan to get a smoother surface and then stretched them a little with the scale tool to have a kind of ellipsoid body. the material is a standard frosted glass from the thea library and inside is a point light. anyways here's a thea scene you can use and modify for your needs
RE: Detached house project
thank you John for the kind words! that's nice to read especially by a master like you
RE: Detached house project
some model progress...and since i'm new to thea i'm testing all the possible render settings...this time no GPU render, instead had a go with unbiased TR 2.
RE: The apartment with paintings
@massimo said:
Well I'm not interested in heavy post production. I mean you can do whatever you want with a computer. I prefer to have some "rules", something like you were in a real darkroom.
that's a good postproduction is usually limited to adjusting contrast and brightness. with a nice render setup like yours there's not much to do in postpro
RE: The apartment with paintings
i thought there was much more postproduction in these...makes it even more amazing
RE: The apartment with paintings
Would you mind showing the raw renders? I'm curious how much postpro is in these masterpieces...and second question: how many passes and how long did the rendering take? Thanks in advance
RE: Renault FT17 light tank ,polygonal turret with cannon
nice model! you should hand it to tadema for rendering
RE: Bmw 5 series touring
Thank you very much for pointing that out...would have been a pretty bad wakeup if someone wanted to sue me for using warehouse models
RE: Bmw 5 series touring
Thanks for your comment Kristoff! That's an interesting point you have...i wonder if it would be against the law to use warehouse models commercially at all? Because who is there to check if they are stolen?
Bmw 5 series touring
i was searching the internet for some free car models for my scenes and was a bit disappointed that most of the high quality models are way too i looked up the warehouse and discovered this maniac called "mandun"'s absolutely incredible how many high quality models he has there
so here's my setup for one of his cars...rendered in thea.
RE: Detached house project
...what to do when you lack the motivation to model? render!
just testing some different IBL images for the scene and playing with the lighting parts here...