maybe this can help? i'm really looking forward to see the final renders

RE: WIP-Audi A5 Sportback 2010
RE: :Police Precinct:
just noticed one thing: on the second picture right above the clock there are reflections of the lamps on the column which i don't think is intended to be.
RE: WIP-Audi A5 Sportback 2010
really really good! all the nice car models make me want to buy ely's car tutorial for summer hollidays
one thing: why the perforated brake discs? as far as i know there is no RS version of the A5 fastback?
RE: Simple Bedroom
ah okay...then i was right. in my opinion these kind of ceilings would rather fit into a bureau or something like this. also the texture of the wall looks kind of dirty. maybe that's what you wanted but it looks a cheap hotel room with these things in mind.
other ceiling, other walltexture and some decoration and i think your good to go.
RE: WIP Assault Rifle
the cocking mechanism on this weapon is pretty useful as it can be used by right or lefthanded people. (the moving part on the lever can swing both in left and in right direction).
also there are many famous weapon systems on the world which don't have the cocking lever on the left side -> Colt M4 for example has it at the root of the buttstock, AK47 has it on the right side...
RE: WIP Assault Rifle
@iichiversii said:
Ok iv a suggestions, for starters cocking handle, I'd put it on the opposite side, cocking a weapon on the right side is difficult when your right hand shouldn't be removed from the pistol grip at any stage, it was a fault the Brits had with the SA80, they would have to tilt the weapon to cock it with their left hand, although it is easier to cock in the prone position serious amount of time is lost in reloading and natual alignment is lost due to tilting the weapon.
as this model is pretty much a g36c from HK i can't follow your issue. the thing on the right side isn't supposed to be the cocking lever. it's purpose is to prevent the bullet shells to fly in the face of the opperator. the cocking lever is just under the carry handle on top (i've been to german army and i know this gun pretty well). <<<< in 0:07 you can see how its cocked.
RE: Lumion + xfrog vegetation
i have to re-update my statement that most xfrog trees are to big for lumion. i now have updated my system to win 7 64 bit, bought a new graphics card and added some rams, that now with 8 gb of ram and a geforce gtx 670 i can import every (even europe3) xfrog tree i bought into lumion
.of course you can't put an infinite amount of xfrog trees in your scene, but as the lumion trees are very easy to handle for the system you can put them in the background to fill the scene. works pretty well for me. i got asked why i don't use lumion trees in the whole scene my case i have to display the correct species i use on my projects, and the amount of species is kind of limited in lumion, especially in the free version.
a tutorial for putting xfrog trees in SU sounds pretty good. i tried to import the .3ds files to SU but that seems not to be the right way as it immediately slows down the system? i don't know if theres a better way. i even tried to reduce the poly count with blender without any success.
with my limited knowledge about the whole material i would recommend to use xfrog trees only in your render engine as it works fine with lumion for me.
RE: :Police Precinct:
woooow...these have to be the most atmospheric renderings i've seen on this forum!! absolutly stunning!
RE: Coffeehouse
that's right...normally i wouldn't do so many ghost people, but my prof likes it this way and i have to adopt that.
RE: Lumion + xfrog vegetation
here is a final picture of one of the areas in the public garden.
RE: My virual Meeting room
aah the phone is wireless
...they do it wireless and then put a cord on the speaker? hmmm...
RE: My virual Meeting room
looking very good as usual. one thing: as the phone is a desk-version there should be a chord somewhere on the table?
RE: Lumion + xfrog vegetation
hey thanks...i use lumion free 2.1 build 3.
here another WIP, i didn't like the dark grass models, so i tried to build the grass with the photoshop grass brush. maybe i will combine this with some postpro textures, though i even like the result with only the brush.
RE: Biplane (not a copy of a real plane)
these are incredible modelling skills...i'm really jealous!
RE: Lumion + xfrog vegetation
Edit: just realized the file size, so i erased one picture
RE: Lumion + xfrog vegetation
some new WIP pictures of the project...again no postproduction, raw lumion renders.
when you look at the amout of xfrog trees in the scene you can hear my gpu cooler crying