If anyone needs a castor (wheel) for a mobile piece of furniture, here's one that was part of a tv cart I had made.
The diameter of the castor is 1-1/2".
Download Model
If anyone needs a castor (wheel) for a mobile piece of furniture, here's one that was part of a tv cart I had made.
The diameter of the castor is 1-1/2".
Download Model
I have made a self-contained slideshow of some of the renderings I have done with my SketchUp models.
Please visit my website at the link below and once you get there, click on the link "Download My 3D Model Renderings Slideshow Presentation."
Attached is a scene that I made with a bunch of models I created. Perhaps someone would like to play around with it and add some more items.
All of the lamps can be rendered via Kerkythea or some other software package if the lighting components are transferable.
Since I only use KT I'm not sure if they will work elsewhere.
Down Model
Hello Everyone:
I have added another model to my Outdoor Decor Collection. It is a Garden Arbor and can be found at my website listed below.
Also, on a side note. Yesterday evening in my neck of the woods (NJ-USA), I tried to access this forum and kept getting a "Page Not Found" error. I then tried typing in the Top Level URL and received a message that the user's account was suspended (something like that).
Anyway, I'm glad to see that the site is back up. No other SketchUp forum is as good as this one; they don't even come close.
For anyone that is interested, there is a site called Auto-Drop (http://www.autodrop.net/) that has some 3D Models on it.
This site is AutoCAD-related, but since SketchUp has the ability to import AutoCAD .DWG files, perhaps someone will find it of interest.
Here is a kitchen/dining room table. I need to make some chairs for it.
[attachment=1:1y95hd42]<!-- ia1 -->DINING_TABLE.skp<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:1y95hd42]
[attachment=0:1y95hd42]<!-- ia0 -->DT2.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:1y95hd42]
Here is a rendering I made that includes the blue loveseat. Everything in there (minus the materials) I created via AutoCAD and SketchUp. I rendered it with Kerkythea.
It's not super-outstanding, but considering I just started with SketchUp and Kerkythea a few months ago, I think it's okay. I'm still learning.......
[attachment=0:21dnkxq6]<!-- ia0 -->lr_scene_kt_big.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:21dnkxq6]
Well, you just did teach me something...... Thanks.
One of these days I'm going to pick myself up a book about SketchUp. I learn so much better when I have a hardcopy book in front of me.
Here's another one that I made. I don't like it as much as the blue one. This one looks like it came right out of the Brady Bunch's family room.
[attachment=0:1q3e9u24]<!-- ia0 -->loveseat_6ft.skp<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:1q3e9u24]
[attachment=1:1q3e9u24]<!-- ia1 -->loveseat_6ft.jpg<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:1q3e9u24]
Probably because I'm still learning the software and haven't mastered all of the intricate details.
Attached is a 5ft long loveseat with a wood inlay.
[attachment=0:bqma37rp]<!-- ia0 -->ls5ft.skp<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:bqma37rp]
[attachment=1:bqma37rp]<!-- ia1 -->ls5ft.jpg<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:bqma37rp]
I don't know how that happened. I originally drew it in AutoCAD and brought it into SketchUp. Must be a CAD thing. I need to learn more about this stuff.
Is there anyone out there that also uses AutoCAD to draw the geometry?
Attached is an entertainment center typically used for a small, bookshelf stereo system or a component system.
[attachment=1:u53hkbbn]<!-- ia1 -->ent_center.jpg<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:u53hkbbn]
[attachment=0:u53hkbbn]<!-- ia0 -->ent_ctr.skp<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:u53hkbbn]
That is awesome!!
I used to play the violin when I was in grade school. Yours looks exactly like my old one.
Good job!!
So you don't like my avatar? It was the best I could do at short notice. I actually drew that Frankenstein in MS Paint back in the Windows 3.11 era.
I need to find something better.
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome. I appreciate the offers of help and I hope that I can give lots more than I get.
I also hope to have more models available for download soon. I haven't put anything new up lately because that pesky thing called "life" has gotten in the way. I do have some ideas though for new stuff and am making plans to implement them soon.
Hi Everyone:
My name is Chris and I am new to the Sketchucation Forums. I just wanted everyone to know that I have some FREE SketchUp 3D Models at my website of http://www.chrispicciano.com on the "3D Models" page.
Please see if there is anything there that you fancy.
My apologies on my prior post. The file size was horrendously large compared to this one. I fixed one small thing and lost about a MB in size.
Gotta remember that for the next time around.
[attachment=0:4ozp6lux]<!-- ia0 -->coffee-end_tables.zip<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:4ozp6lux]
Attached is a sample of the models I am creating for a Home Furnishings Collection.
The .skp file is in version 6.
[attachment=1:2bz3mf7g]<!-- ia1 -->coffee-end tables.zip<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:2bz3mf7g]
[attachment=0:2bz3mf7g]<!-- ia0 -->Coffee-End Tables.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:2bz3mf7g]
I can't even remember how or why, but I stumbled upon the following site that offers free textures:
Ted Kyte Computer Service Inc., 3D Modeling, Technical and Patent Drawings. Main Page
Just click on the "Free Textures" menu button on the left side of the screen.