We use StylusBT here at work. It's not really a favorite of mine but since we use Microstation no one wants to mess with the architype fonts for some reason... maybe one day I'll be able to talk them into it!
RE: Favorite Font..
RE: News Station Weather Patio
This is a wonderful explanation Scott... you should copy this over to the tutorials forum!
RE: Big building downtown
Wonderful job! I think it looks soo much better then the original one you posted!
RE: News Station Weather Patio
Nice design... I'm sure your clients are/will be pleased! I like this combination of photoshop and sketchup. Would you mind telling us a little more about your technique... like which styles you exported and all that good stuff?
Are you simulating smog in the first image? I like the space but it needs more life... course I know you said it is a work in progress so keep us posted!
RE: Personal retro-futurism
This is awesome stuff... you should play around with "field of view" in the camera drop down menu. You might be able to get it closer to your drawing!
RE: My recent tries
Majid, I like this one a lot. I only wish you would brighten it up just a tad so we can see more of what is going on! Nice work!
RE: Rusty turtle
Pete, I was wondering where you get all these maps and textures from?
RE: Brochure Houses
I've always wanted to do a project like this Boo. You've done a great job... keep up the good work man! Oh... I've downloaded almost all your models on FF just cause I heard y'all get a little $ out of each one! Course I may be wrong... if I had to choose between the ones you've shown I'd probably take the yellow house. I like big porches as I am a smoker (corner bar)...
RE: Last smoking day in Holland
Stinkie... haha!
As for smoking... they've started to ban smoking in most public places around my home town. I'm a smoker (cigs) and I don't mind them telling me that I can't smoke in certain places. Especially in restaurants... I for one don't like people blowing their smoke all over me when I'm trying to eat and I wouldn't do the same to others! But, when it comes to bars that's a whole different story in my opinion. It should be a known fact by now that people like to smoke when they drink (most people anyways). So just give me a damn box I can go smoke in and I'll be happy. Oh, don't try to preach about the health factors of cigarettes and pot... I could care less!
RE: Last smoking day in Holland
Yup... farmers here in NC that used to grow tobacco to make a living now can barely afford to own the farm. Why not just let them grow the hemp not only for smoking purposes but also for clothing, paper, string... the list goes on. There is soo much money to be made off of it but I guess the government is afraid that everyone will drive too slow or something. All they would have to do is sell the pot at black market prices to drive the drug dealers out of business. It seems logical to me!
RE: Last smoking day in Holland
So y'all are basically going against the american way which is that cigarettes are okay (as long as the big shots make their money) and weed is bad... what the hell?
RE: Big building downtown
You could try to blur the surrounding buildings. Don't really know how this would look but it is an idea. Yea, the street and sidewalk need to get the seamless textures because it looks pretty bad right now. You should also tone the the sky a little too, it just seems to be to blue. I like the building and the feeling this rendering gives... so once you fix those really minor details it should look awesome! Good job bro!PS - How long did it take you to model all those buildings and are you using Kerkythea for the rendering?
RE: Update Low Poly SU cars
It is the bat mobile in Batman Begins and The Dark Knight (July 18th by the way). You should definitely get out more! -
RE: Whad'Ya Know...??
Well you better just make sure she doesn't look good only because you have your drunk goggles on! I've had some problems with that in the past... not fun!
RE: Living - dining: department from argentina
You're still getting that light leak on the couch and chair... but you are definitely improving each time... nice job!
RE: Landscape render Kerky
I'm not really feeling all those evergreens... maybe it is just me? Otherwise I think the image looks fantastic!