@rich o brien said:
@brittbliss said:
@Rich O Brien
Hi there, did you ever figure out what was causing the holes?
First, I look forward to when @ actually works here....soon

Second, we are looking at it and it looks like a winding issue where the geometry is there just folded over on itself. The problem being we can't reproduce the issue outside of your example.
If you have more models that have this issue please share them because its not something we can accurately identify as a reliable cause.
Thanks for replying. So going back to the model I used as an example, I did the same thing you did and added seams along the cylindrical portions in addition to what was already there but the holes were still there. I thought maybe my installation was corrupted since I installed it on my D drive instead of the default C drive. I did a clean install of everything to the default C drive and the issue persists. I don't know what's going on with that.
I've had holes on every model that I've tried to unwrap. I don't know if it's relevant but all of the models, including the one you received as an example are from 3rd parties. I don't know if it makes a difference that they weren't modeled in sketchup. I downloaded a random wine glass model from the sketchup warehouse and did a simple unwrap- no holes.
Here is the most recent model I've been practicing with. This is what it looks like after I click "unwrap in Wrapr", click the "show stretch" button, and set the mapping to LSCM.
I did nothing else and clicked save. This is the result.

Here is the skp file
Screw_Test 5.skp