@smicha said:
Use vertex tools and make planar all lines.
You mean adjust the individual vertexes on every line? I'll see if I can find the vertex tools plugin, its one of ThomThom's isn't if? I assume there is a command to make all vertexes co-planar as oppose to having to individually select....
Frankly, I'm coming to the conclusion that importing .dwg information into Sketchup is broken, or at the very least pretty buggy. I made another really simple .dwg file to test, just some circles and polylines. All 100% flat, all co-planar etc etc. I tried with all as polylines, I tried breaking lines up into individual segments, I tried various flattening commands (all data is reporting a z value of 0).
Import into Sketchup and after running all the intersect with model commands ultimately I'm left with this:
All the selected faces select with one click. They're not grouped, stray lines tool reports no stray lines so there isn't any gaps meaning they're joined up - its bizarre and frankly not good. And this is with an utterly simply CAD plan.
And apologies, I can't upload any CAD data due to client copyright issues. If you have the software to open a CAD file I might upload though, you can draw some circles and lines and import that to Sketchup and see if you can recreate the issue yourself.