Wow...thanks for the quick responses. Unfortunately my appreciation was a little delayed due to work commitments.
It's not really paranoia.... I like to be organised and my house, garden in fact most area's of my life I like to be straightforward and compartmentalised. I have this vision of creating an exact replica of my house and garden, (which I spend 15 minutes a night creating on sketchup and is coming along quite nicely) and then adding information succinctly with visuals of the actual object to include details such as;
hyperlinks to user manuals
warranty info
serial numbers
servicing dates
I even plan to extend into the garden and name individual plants with details such as when to prune etc...
That way everything is in one place....
Thanks again for your comments...I have not yet seen the solution from your responses but I am sure there is such a thing out there.
Keep the suggestions coming