Just got myself a permanent account.
Hopefully, I might post new updates once in a while.
BTW, I too have been making some wheels after going through this thread again. Although my outlandish designs are nowhere near your realistic ones, I just thought of sharing them with you .
![Here's the latest one I just made. (Note: The lugs look very tiny due to hidden lines and "unsafe" due to not having any housing around it. Currently working on that)](/uploads/imported_attachments/Wvdg_wheel1.png "Here's the latest one I just made. (Note: The lugs look very tiny due to hidden lines and "unsafe" due to not having any housing around it. Currently working on that)")
I would've uploaded the brakes as a separate model ages ago but I don't know what's holding me back from doing it (voices inside my head... ). I just might in the future sometime...
What d'ya think?