@unknownuser said:
**":3ux7ncb2]...how would i make the sides of the staircase also raise \ like that is you get me whilst curving."
You aren't likely to easily get the sides to raise using the push/pull tool. (If you do succeed, let us in on the trick.)
Typically, such geometry is constructed, rather than taking a flat plan and "raising" it. You can use the flat plan as a reference, though, and base your 3D construction on reference points from the plan. You're likely to need the elevation view as well. You can construct without the elevation view, but the 3D-construct will be much more accurate if you include it.
Here's an example from a past discussion:
I've posted the same model at the 3D Warehouse:
There are tutorials for spiral staircase construction in the warehouse, such as...
...and many others...
...but most are not tutorials.
Google has even provided a 3D Warehouse tutorial...
...to go with a post at the official Google SketchUp Blog:
There are plugins for creating spirals and helices, however, since you're working from a plan, they aren't likely to help in this specific case. Hopefully, the above references will provide you with the techniques you need to construct the stairs. Let us know how you're getting along.