Turkish Hammam section. We did around 5 different colour/material setups for each part of the wellness.
RE: Recent wellness project in SU
RE: Recent wellness project in SU
Some of the "reception" desks, entering various relaxation areas
RE: Recent wellness project in SU
Here is main inner Spa (ivestors asked for lot of ladies in the sceene
RE: Recent wellness project in SU
These are from the upper lounge. It took us 5 different aquarium setups untill we were satissfied:-)
RE: Recent wellness project in SU
Here is Healthy fruit bar. Fruits rendered forrever:-)
RE: Recent wellness project in SU
@unknownuser said:
What can I say? Great render!
@unknownuser said:
Outstanding. Excellent render.
@frederik said:
@pav_3j said:
everyone tread carefully, woudln't want anyone tripping over my jaw.
@kwick7 said:
Absolutely fantastic render and an extremely nice project! I, too, especially love the "sheets."
Thank you folks for your comments, I appreciate it Big Time
@kwistenbiebel said:
Extremely cool.
It's a pity that Vray for SU is a bit buggy and you needed to use vray for Max for the renderings.
I hope Asgvis (dev of VfSU) will speed things up so it becomes more stable.I love all about this project: the architecture, the modeling (those curtains, wow!), the light, the mmaterials. A really fine job!Congrats.
KwistenbiebelThank you for the comments
Yes it is a pitty that VrayfSu is a bit buggy, but it is a Standalone engine in SU, and in max it is a Plugin, that uses Max engine frame buffer, etc. Unfortunately, we wouldn't have ever complete this project only in Su because memory and engine restraints. This file has aprox. 2800 megs, and when I render it, is sucks well over 8 gigs of ram for breakfast:-) So the max engine is very well optimised for this kind of huge projects. Some of the trees are Vray proxies, and allmost all Agavas also.
I was very pleased when architects came to us with this project, because it will be most exclusive wellness center in Europe (no kidding).
Ok, I won't torture you any more, I will post some of the interior spaces, so you can see what I am talking about:-)
Btw, this wellness center is only about 2% of the whole hotel resort. I will show you the whole site shortly, so you I can show you just how massive this baby is
RE: Recent wellness project in SU
@unknownuser said:
Very nice
Thank you for the comments.
Here is a view from a different perspective, I like this one a lot
This was rendered for a billboard. 12x6 meters. It is 15000 x 7500 pixels (30 dpi) resolution, all materials have reflections and bump / displacement maps on them. This is a combination of 3d and 2d technique. It took us 36 hours to render this sucker on a quad q6600 with 8 gigs of ram. Nasty litte bugger
RE: Recent wellness project in SU
@allen weitzman said:
Fantastic. The design is so pleasant and relaxing. They way you captured the fabric is just wonderful. Please explain how you did it.
Hy Allen . Just to be on the safe side, the design of the wellness is not mine, it was designed by an architect, Ante Nikša Bilić, to be precise, and Danijel and I did the full 3d visualisation and part of the interior design. The curtains are modelled in max, it was faster:-) But all of the architecture and 95% of the furniture was modelled in SU.
Thank you for the comments, I appreciate it. I will post interiors soon:-)
RE: Recent wellness project in SU
@unknownuser said:
This is taking things to the next level!
Beautiful work AndrijaI am glad that you like it, thank you
RE: Recent wellness project in SU
@unknownuser said:
Very nice! More!
Thanks, I will upload more photos soon:-)
Thank you for the comment
Recent wellness project in SU
Hy folks,
here is a recent project that we just finished. All of the modelling was done in Su and rendering and people and some plants added in Max 2008 and vray 1.5. It took us about 3 weeks of modelling and 2 days for rendering. All of the interior was modelled and rendered also, and I will post it later...
All modelling/ rendering was done by Danijel Poldrugač and myself.
I hope that you like it.
RE: What Sports Did/Do you play?
Whooah, a loot of athleetes here;-) I like that, especially Tinanne's discipline) I am good at eating also) But, aren't we all?
I practice a lot of sports, but not professionally any more, and not that often as I used to.
When I was 3 years old, and learned to walk normally, my parents have putt me on ski's, and it is my greatest passion among sports. I trained skiing full time for about 10 years, and now I am licensed skiing instructor, and if all goes well I will join a Croatian demo team in couple of years. Luckily, Zagreb has a great skiing place, just 15 kilometers from the center and when there is enough snow, we go skiing every day after work, during winter season. (yeah, I know, we lucky bastards)
Extreme skiing is in my blood, and when you try it once, you are never letting it goMy other passion is sport climbing, speleology and alpinism (all tightly connected) it is in my family for decades (my father is speleology and aplinism instructor).
And one of the most relaxing sports is sailing, but this is not a real sport, because I don't compete, I do it for fun, and I must admitt that we are drunk most of the time, but when there is good wind, we sail like maniacs;-)
I won't mention Ice hockey, rolerskating, bicycle and other simmilar sports, because I don't practice them as often as I would want to
RE: When I broke up with my girlfriend, I was lonely;-)))
@unknownuser said:
I'd like to get some of that action
Pad = Apartment.
Yes the stairs would not pass code with no handrails.
Aha, Pad = Apartement ha ha, I didn't know you call it that way. Well thank you, although it is not an apartement, it is a 3 storey house, but who cares :egrin: it is not finished yet (you can se naked bulbs, no pictures on the wally etc... someday....
It is great that this is my house, so I don't have any ispections coming over to check the handrails, ha ha ha
@jenujacob said:
ok... are u sure this is not a Vray render with HDRI lighting???? :esurp:
LOL.. i only raise my doubts becoz aposaric is involoved!ha ha, thanks, but I am not that good
@daniel said:
I can see Beverly has ONE flaw - she's in front of the TV!
yes, that is stupid position, but who cares
@unknownuser said:
Actually Daniel, Beverly is very smart. She positioned herself BETWEEN Andrija and the TV.
yes, smart creatures, these modern motorbikes...
@unknownuser said:
Just like my wife does
ha ha ha
@mike lucey said:
Andrija, Will the 'pad' stay as neat and tidy without
your human girlfriend?Mike
ha ha Mike, you are calling it neat? there is 400 pounds bike parked in the middle of the room, I am afraid that it is far from neat and tidy, and my last girlfriend wasn't very enthusiastic about cleaning up, so there are not many changes on that field of my life... ha ha
@paul russam said:
Introducing the New Microsoft Xbox360 controller for MotoGP 2007, the Xcooter360
The Xcooter360 features many unique features not found in other controllers:
Completely wireless
No batteries, comes with its own power source
Available in 14 unique colours
Realistic corner leaning with optional Xstand360(Copyright Microsoft) retracted. - Please note controller does not right itself automatically and may require some user input.
Easily positionable with 2 unique 'Xtyre360's(Copyright Microsoft), that's 720 degrees of fun!!
Comes with a wall poster showing 14 authentic Italian hand gestures.
Realistic interface, it almost feels like your on a real bike.
Come complete with a set of replica keys and a tube of hair Gel to give you that authentic helmet hair look without the need to wear said helmet. Note - Bonedome360(Copyright Microsoft) available separately.
See the amazed expressions on your friends and family members sitting behind you in the unique Xirror360's - YES we said Xirror360's, you get 2 of them!!
Get it Today!!
Ha ha ha ha, ok, it took some time to writte all of this down, congrats to you on that one
RE: When I broke up with my girlfriend, I was lonely;-)))
@krisidious said:
I think the bike is the italian masterpiece and his girl friend...
just make sure that exaust pipe is cool... and ask before fondling her headlights.
sweet pad by the way... those stairs would be illegal in the states... and do you wipe her tyres before bringing her in?
What pad? I am not sure on what you are refering to?
Why would the stairs be illegal? Because they are missing the handlebar? It is not needed here, no little kids, only me, my friends and one dog;-) I have handlebars on the second flor.Ha ha, I posted this for fun here, I haven't seen too many jokes, and this is a practical one;-)
When I broke up with my girlfriend, I was lonely;-)))
I broke up with my last girlfriend couple of weeks ago. It was all expected, the magic was gone, bla bla bla;-)
But one night, I was at my house and had nothing to do, and I remembered my other girl, the one that will always make me happy, and is always going to be here for me. Her name is Beverly Sport, sophisticated Italian lady. Design and engeneering masterpiece;-)It was dark outside, and it started to rain, my garage was blocked with cars, so I had no other choice but do do the following, which you can see in the pictures...