Well, it looks I found solution I changed that white_0128 on some panels of model to another white from markers and it helps, no error in Google Earth.
So, probably Google Earth has problem, if one same color is on too many surfaces in model.
Well, it looks I found solution I changed that white_0128 on some panels of model to another white from markers and it helps, no error in Google Earth.
So, probably Google Earth has problem, if one same color is on too many surfaces in model.
Well, in first time (long time ago) I had problem only with white color... When I placed model into Google Earth, not every white was white, but some gray... Few weeks ago I'm decided to rebuilt model and make it better and make another one building...
So I rebuilt whole model again and I changed every default white color to white_0128 from Colors-Named. And I was think, that everything will be alright this time. But I had this error... And when I looked on that, it's again problem only with white color (0128 from Colors-Named). And what is strange, I made two similar models and one has only that first problem, and the second has problem with this 64k error, but every parts and colors are the same in both.
In SketchUp everything looks good:
I will try change that white_128 to some other white again, but I don't think it will help...
I have this same problem... And this post is old enough and I don't see some solution here... So