The error is is the first like: Error Loading File C:/Users/Jaydeep Dandecha/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2016/SketchUp/Plugins/vfs.rb It has nothing to do with the 'SketchUcation Plugin'. There is something incompatible with the version of Vray that you are trying to use. The Ruby version changed significantly with the last three SketchUp versions - often requiring an updated version of an extension to be installed... Your error report seems to suggest 'vfs.rb' is causing problems when it tries to load other files from its subfolder... and also tt's vray tools which needs vray loaded too... Can I suggest you download and install the newest version of Vray you can find... See if that helps. Failing that you must disable Vray - use the SketchUp ExtensionStore³ Plugins Manager - disable the 'vfs' and 'tt_vray_tools' plugins listed as enabled and restart SketchUp - the error should now be sidestepped.