@jean lemire said:
Hi folks.
Get rid of the Large Tool Set and show all of the indovidual Tool palettes, with the exception of the Dimension window that sould, IMHO, stay to the bottom of the status bar. This will give you access to all of SU's tools.
Explore right click features for all and also all the CTRl and ALT keys variations and you will dicover that you may reduce your need for plugins.
I am not against plugins, on the contrary, but I think it is best to learn all of the native tools before moving to plugins.
Just ideas.
Thanks for the advise, I would say I am fairly familiar with the standard skup tools and I have now cleaned up my toolbars I did what you said and ditched the large tool set and removed a few plugins from the toolbar. Im mainly using the rounding edges and loft plugins and i'm finding it so much better to work with. I have just started work on another rifle and already the extra tools are greatly helping especialy the round edges tool, I will post up some pics in the WIP section but I have only made the reciever so far.