What's the compatibility issue again? I'm kinda out-of-date for a while.
@aceshigh said:
this looks like a great, quite interesting plugin. But what I want to know is if its compatibility problems were solved already...
What's the compatibility issue again? I'm kinda out-of-date for a while.
@aceshigh said:
this looks like a great, quite interesting plugin. But what I want to know is if its compatibility problems were solved already...
@gaieus said:
Hi Tavi,
Just a short list:
- navigation around (orbiting, panning, zooming)
- scenes with different layers on/off
- ability to change (obviously pre-defined) textures say on walls or roof tiles or colours of window frames
Hmmm...I'm asking for more actually. Here is mine:
Hi all,
I'm sure this has been discussed again and again but I don't know if anyone's still working on it. (let me know if there are any, thank you.)
We've got Modelers (Alias AutoCAD UG CATIA just to name a few) and Web applications (WireFusion, Papervision3D) but so far there is few develop environment that allows us to code both models and its online interaction. Java3D maybe?
I saw Sketchup macro editor from TBD but seems like it's not working at this moment. Any idea?
@jim said:
@antantantant said:
Hi all,
Is there a way to rotate one object (group) according to its own axes while other stuff on the screen stand still? or Anyone has tried anything like that? Thank you!
Hi Max. You just create a new Transformation object using any Point3d, Vector3d, and an angle; then apply it to the Group.
The following rotates a Group around the it's own Z_AXIS by 90 degrees.
> # First, select a Group
> group = Sketchup.active_model.selection[0]
> group.transform! Geom;;Transformation.rotation(group.transformation.origin, Z_AXIS, 90.degrees)
Thank you and sorry...
What I really mean is "orbit". My question is:
Is there a way to divide the screen into smaller scenes so that I can orbit each one independently?
Thank you again!
Hi all,
Is there a way to rotate one object (group) according to its own axes while other stuff on the screen stand still? or Anyone has tried anything like that? Thank you!
@geh4evr said:
Max, I finally got around to mucking around with Matchbox, and I came up with a lovely little futuristic car, So I decided to make it one of my projects!(Along with building a whole city and making a detailed model of a house)
Anyway, I've added some details to it, and popped it into Hypershot for a quick render.
Thanks so much for such a great plugin!
Jacob, Thank you for providing an inspiring view of this plugin. Still working on it!
@simon b said:
Have you heard of spore?
Incorporating evolution between bacterial development to galactic conquest - the creatures are not fully autonomous though.
I guess they used the concept of evolution for promotion, but in fact it is still an environment where the players make decision. I found some other not-so-ancient projects related to virtual creature and this one looks pretty interesting:http: http://www.darwinathome.org/video.html.
Anyway, to me Sketchup is quite a natural environment for this kind of projects to evolve.
@craigbic said:
By the way - I uninstalled Lightup (I didn't like it anyway) and that fixed that problem, although that's probably something to note, but I use Tools on Surface heavily so I can't just uninstall it. I don't know if it's unique to me so if anyone else is having the same problem, please chime in.
Wait a sec! I can use Tools on Surface on other objects but not on my "car"s. The issue is that I scaled those cars before they are displayed. So their actual geometries are not what visually displayed. Hope that solves one piece of the puzzle.
@craigbic said:
However, I have found that either it interferes with Lightup (see error screen cap) or Lightup interferes with it and with Matchbox installed, it seems to prevent Fredo6's Tools on Surface x 1.3 from working at all. You can choose a tool, the icon changes to reflect your tool choice but it will not do anything from there. I uninstalled Matchbox and the Tools on Surface works just fine. Any thoughts?
Thank you, Craigbic.
I don't have a specific problem as yours (I don't have those plug-ins), but yes, my code does interfere with other plug-ins. I haven't figured out why cos I'm an amateur at coding. I think I packed all my codes under my own classes and assumed that doing this will avoid interference. Anyone have idea about this?
Dear all,
I was totally fascinated by this ancient video from Karl Sims(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0OHycypSG8)
and the Breve project(http://www.spiderland.org/). Really hope this could be rebuilt in Sketchup with the help of Ruby and Sketchy physics. This would be the best game I'd ever have. What do you think?
Attached is the paper "Evolved Virtual Creatures" by Karl Sims.