I appreciate the generous offers of assistance. It actually wasn't intended as a cry for help, because when I describe what I'm trying to do simply enough to post a description, I can do it myself. But somehow when I do things in context the work crumbles.
[Incidentally, tomsdesk is right: "I give up" and "I needed something like this" don't fit. The second quote should have been "Something like this would have been valuable".]
It's not any particular thing that I'm trying to do... it's that SU never ceases to surprise me by doing something I don't expect and don't want. Things end up where I don't want them, refuse to be moved to places where I do want them, and are sloppily aligned (and I don't know how to line them up). I have tried unsuccessfully for hours to draw a particular polygon face. The symptoms range from incompletion (i.e. it doesn't turn blue) to overcompletion (it turns blue and so does a previously hidden wall). I have tried using guides (tape measure and protractor), axis shifting, image tracing, and freehand sketching followed by moving the vertices. For one glorious moment I had something that looked OK (this would be on perhaps attempt #13 out of 19) but it didn't last.
I've concluded that I just don't think like ST, despite two or three days of effort. There's no way to know whether it would take another three days, or three weeks, or three months to get the hang of it.
I tend to pick up software fairly quickly and exploit it more deeply than many of my colleagues, so I don't think raw candlepower is the problem. In fact I have no clue what the problem is--if I did, I'd try to address it.
There are lots of people doing terrific things with the product. I still look forward to joining the group someday when I'm able to devote a lot more time to it.