The geometries should also be exported as follow:
- Create a dynamic component with attributes to be exported in the csv file.
- Select primary face in all components to be machined. (components such as hardware are excluded if no face is selected). Only one face per component can be selected.
- Tooling is set by placing geometries in specific layers. For example vertical drilling with a 5mm bit would be associated with the dxf layer called “DV_5”; Routing offset for external shape with DXF layer “ROX_9” (9 for a 9mm router bit.) any combination of machining can be accomplished by linking tooling “strategies” in the CAM software with DXF layers created by Sketchup.
- When the model is ready all “primary” faces are exported as DXF polylines in a specified folder together with the csv file.
- The csv file is then used to automate the import in the CAM software (Enroute, Aspan etc...)