I'm running make and am still on the fence about pro because I need the ability to make 2d shop drawings quickly and easily like Autocad can. It was a real struggle to get the angular dimensions off of the tubes because sketchup would not grab an outer edge to go off of, so I had to draw temporary lines and even eyeball the 73.2 degree measurement.
I changed the axes to the middle of my objects, ran flatten-faces and it would send the group to the moon. My workaround was to copy my objects and paste them into a new file. The reason they were miles from the center were because I work in x 1000 so I can use .001" precision without as many sketchup hickups, then I scale it back down if needed and sometimes I grab the most convenient corner which sends it far away, or export STL in meteres which doesnt require me to scale it back down.