After receiving some helpful feedback from one or two posters on here (thanks, guys), I decided to redo the residential exterior I put up on the gallery some days ago.
Heres the link to the original:
The main criticism I received was that the rendering was too flat, so I decided to see if I can do anything to make it less so.
Gone are the 2D trees which I felt partly contributed to the overall flatness of the image. In their place are some 3D trees and plants from Podium's paid browser content.
As well, I made the brick and slate roof tile materials more bumpy (went nuts with it, in fact) and put it through Podium.
Whole thing rendered quicker than I expected at 47 minutes on QMC settings, despite containing so many 3D trees and plants.
Decided I was going to make a real effort with GIMP and so I put in a sky, some background trees and generally messed around with the main render until I got something I was satisfied with.

It's still not finished though. The windows definitely need some reflections (clouds, houses, that sort of thing) and I might want to use something that simulates real grass. I just wanted to post this here first to hopefully get some more feedback on it so I can improve it even further before putting it up on the main gallery.
Critiques welcome as always.