I have just found out from the Google Group forum that this problem is to do with a missing or incorrectly unzipped registry file called:
There is a link to download this file here:
But I can't access this as it seems to be a web hosting forum
I wonder if there is anywhere else to download this file?
I am new here.I hope very much that you can help.
I have tried posting in the SketchUp Google Groups forum but unfortunately they cannot help and suggest I try here instead.
SketchUp Version:8 (Free version)
Windows XP Professional/ PC
If I try to export my SketchUp scenes as an animation to AVI, I get this error message: 'Unable to create AVI file'.
But, I can export the scene using Tagged Image file sequences. The problem is that I can't change the width and height settings from 320 px x 240 to 640 px x 480 px. Or increase the fps from 10 to 25. I need to increase the settings to work with the file in video editing properly.
This is the error message I get if I try to export after increasing the export settings:
It says: 'The Codec is incompatible with the video size you selected.'
However, I am not selecting a codec as there are no option to do this
Any help will be really welcome