Can anyone help me or does anyone want to tackle doing this?
I would like to make a SU of my scooter. It looks like the one below.
Can anyone help me or does anyone want to tackle doing this?
I would like to make a SU of my scooter. It looks like the one below.
I dont know if I still have some coplaner issues here, but I am trying to cover the surface of the large box to make it look like elevated terrain so I can color it in with grass.
How can I put my .skp on here so you can see whats going on? I did the line thing like you suggested but i dont think it worked.
Why are my arches not highlighted? I need to push/pull them individually but cant get them highlighted to do so. Whats wrong?
Hi everyone, just got started in SU for about a week now. It is awesome!
There are three questions I was faced with after making my first model.
1. How can I push/pull a shape that is rounded at the corners? I know I can do this on a vertical axis, but I was trying to extend the length of the patio as annotated by the arrow.
2. How can I remove the lines marked with an X without removing the structure it is connected to?
3. I am having no success at making a hill or uneven terrain. I am trying to make a house on a down sloping hill with multiple changes in elevation. Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance for you help!