[Plugin] SmartDrop Beta
nice work a4chitect
@unknownuser said:
Note it changes the definition of group to add a .definition method.
This makes group more similar to componentInstance.from your google group link... I find this fascinating as it's one the many little annoying things about SU that would have been fixed if they hadn't been bought by google... makes no sense why the axes work the way they do in SU6... either they should work like SU5, or allow you to adjust the axes w/out making them a component. obviously could be done.
a tool simply in the SU shell called 'reset axes' that only appeared for Groups would be very nice... since you can't do that in SU now.
this one definately deserves a bump
I agree.
I never knew it existed, and what a great script it is.
i noticed that ver.1.4 also lets you undo with one action. in ver.1 you had to undo each drop and each rotation.
Wow !! that's cool!
You did itIt was a discution about this http://www.sketchucation.com/forums/scf/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=14543&p=110383&hilit=+fish#p110359 but I never thought somebody will go on.
I see that the script drops only if object have a face on bottom. I tried to drop vertical planes or lines and did not worked.
@newone said:
Wow !! that's cool!
You did itIt was a discution about this http://www.sketchucation.com/forums/scf/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=14543&p=110383&hilit=+fish#p110359 but I never thought somebody will go on.
I see that the script drops only if object have a face on bottom. I tried to drop vertical planes or lines and did not worked.
the original drop.rb will drop lines to intersection but they won't be rotated.
Works cool with the Chris Fullmer "Select Lines by Length" + "Components onto faces" !
thanx for handy script. i tested old version and 1.4 version. old one workes fine , but recent one just unhides the component!!!! and nothing!
what is wrong whit me? or something about the script? -
very nice!! Thanks!!
I think about this:
i try to run it with Skup 8, however without success. anyone tried?
Hi ckho1985, maybe Chris Fullmers Components onto Faces works in SU8. It gives similar results.
xxx -
I tried, but i found it is really difficult to use... or am I doing something wrong? i selected a grouped object and the face I want to drop on, however its not doing it.
I miss smartdrop, just one click then it sits. -
Like the name says, it has to be components, not groups.
I just tried smart drop with SU 8, and it worked like a charm. What exactly about it is not working?
@chris fullmer said:
I just tried smart drop with SU 8, and it worked like a charm. What exactly about it is not working?
that's very strange. I assume there would be just one file (smartdrop.rb) to copy right? However, on my SU8, the smartdrop function is not showing at all. any idea why?
You mean there is no command visible? You really need to specify what the problem is. For example, you try to run it, and SU crashes. You try to run it, and your entire model disappears. You try to run it and nothing seems to happen. You install it and SU no longer opens. You install it, but can not find how to start the plugin. Please help us understand what the problem is.
If you just can't figure out where to start it, it is in the right click menu when you have components selected.
Good luck,
Sorry Chris as i didnt clarify the matter. What I have done was copied the rb file into the plugin file. However, when I loadup SU. I could not find the smartdrop function, not in the plugin list, nor right click, nor help. I though there was an icon for the smartdrop tool, back in su7 (maybe I am wrong), and it wasnt there. btw, everything else was find, no crash no nothing.
um... I think I should repair my su8 and re-download the rb file.