Can't view tutorials
The ones I checked worked ok, both downloading and streaming. Which particular ones are not working for you?
#16 inference locking
#15 the offset tool
Did you download and install the EnSharpen codecs, as instructed at the top of the page?
Taff -
No I did not. what do I do with it after I download the file?
Oh I am so sorry, I did not pay attention to that memo. Ok I downloaded it to my hd , now how to I get it to my VLC viewer?
Sorry, I'm only using QuickTime to play '.mov' files, and have no experience with VLC.
I downloaded that file and installed it on my pc and it did nothing. No help there. All the movs I have downloaded from the sketchup site just blink, flash, etc and are not viewable.
Thanks for all you help.
You might try contacting TechSmith, the authors of the EnSharpen code, to ask whether (and how) the codec can be used with VLC:
Taff -
I have been working with tech support that you advised and they don't know what to tell me at this point, except as sketchup if they can offer these videos in another format and I have posted this and not heard anything to date.
Well, I just went there and tried the inferencing video. Worked OK streaming, but when I tried downloading, unzipping and playing it locked up.