Component question
I created this component (link below)for our Local festival - I am in charge of signage and last year the plastic signs disinigrated so I an going to dust off the welder and make one to last
Question can someone have a look and see if there are any real problems with my model - I relize there is some alighment + problems with the handle
any info appreciated
Yikkes - it's worse than I thought - I just downloded it off 3D warehouse
I thought I re-saved the individual sign pickets with a different component name, what I am seeing is a jumblepart of my component is always highlighted - is there a easy to unselect - not sure why this is happening
downloaded fine for me...
to unselect either hit escape a few times or double click out in the open.
other than line up issues... like you said. all I would do is perhaps make a box for ballast at the bottom, or build it up more to weight it down.
also the handle is a bit much for me... why not just put a grip around the pole at the middle... it's just for moving it right?
otherwise... I'm sure this thing will last forever...
thanks for the info - it worked I was able to
un-select the component
Yep - I will lose the handle and possible beef up the bottom plate with 1/2" steelthanks again