Simplify poligons
I've a question about polygons in sketchup. From our architect I got a 3D model of our house. I imported it into sketchup V6. It looks pretty good. Now I like to reduce the amount of polygons because the file has over 17 MB and I like to place the model in google earth. Is there an automatic method to reduce the polygons, or shrink the file size?Thanks
Kuesel -
mmm... not to my knowledge, there are scripts in other programs that can do that like 3D Max...
you can purge your model, under model info. but I think you're stuck manually simplifying the model.
I could be wrong... there easily could be some clean up scripts. check out and didier's ruby site.
It can also be so big because there are no components used for repeating geometry. If you can change some such geometry into components (and use those as multiple instances) it can considerable decrease your file size. Unfortunately this is again a long and manual process.
However 17 mb sounds pretty big. The limit in the 3D Warehouse (if you want to export it to GE via that) is 10 mb. Sure you can export the "pure" kmz file, too but consider the render time in GE, too. This would be an extremely slow model.