Can't access the VCB
I'd like to use this for woodworking plans so dimensions are critical. I tried to use the box after placing the first point, and immediately after finishing the rectangle. Can't seem to access it either way. Any ideas?
If I get this to work for me it'll be amazing.
P: whosamama
Can you post a screen shot? I am a bit confused about the problem. The VCB is located in the lower right of the screen and is only "active" during certain commands.
Any more info would help us help you.
You enter the required dimension after placing the first point of your rectangle.
Click rectangle, choose first point on screen, type measurement (i.e 12',12') press enter.
One important point: you shouldn't click into the VCB box to enter you values!
Just as Dylan said, after starting your first endpoint with a ractangle for instance, release the cursor, start typing and hit Enter.For some European computers however you need to type a semicolon (;) instead of a comma (,) to separate the values. The units are not necessarily needed if you have set them in the template you are using.
To learn more about the correct (and extensive) use of the VCB, see the Usres Guide - especially at the en of each section it tell you tips&tricks about the VCB: fun (and yes; welcome here, too! )