Absolutely silly question...
Hi Guys,
I have looked around for an answer to this and have had no luck. Hopefully you very intellegentguys will be able to help me out.
I just this evening started modelling in SketchUp. I think it is an awesome program and one I am quite enjoying. I just have one (very silly) question.Howdo you create slopes? And also, how do you change the polygon tool from being a hexagon to another shape? (triangle)
Thank you very much,
P: nemeda
Well that is just silly
Seriously, to change the number of segments with the polygon tool: Select the tool and type the number of sides and hit enter, before you start to draw. You will see the Value Control Box at the lower right of the screen.
As far as a slope, try this for starters. Draw a box, select your move tool and hover over one of the edges, it should highlight. Click and drag it in the blue direction (z axis, or "up").
Have fun, welcome and ask away. No question is too silly here in the Newby forum.
Thank you very much for that! You've made me feel right at home.
Thanks again for the help, I appreciate it.
EDIT: WOW! Mega fast reply! Now that is excellent service!
P: nemeda
We aim to please