Changing the default material?
Recently I've begun playing with Kerkythea to render the output from SketchUp. It is quite particular about which way a face is er… facing - reversed faces are not rendered at all.
The default material in SketchUp uses a tan colour for front faces and a pale blue for back faces… which may sound like very different colours, but on small faces tucked away somewhere in the shadows of a model the difference can actually be very tricky to spot.
So, is there any way to over ride the default material (as used in Monochrome mode) to use a hideously bright colour (pure magenta for example) for the back faces?
Thanks for any ideas on this matter
Sure. Go to Window > Styles > Edit > Face Settings (the second icon) and set the colors to whatever you want.
You could also try one of the "3D" templates which use the default style with white (front) and blue (reverse) faces, or select that default style yourself. The style I'm referring to is the one introduced with the free version of SU5, and although it may carry some slight stigma among Pro users, I think it offers a much easier to use environment. For one thing, the use of different ground and sky colors makes it easier to keep yourself oriented in space (I've seen more than one "Pro" model that was saved upside down or bottom-in-back), and the prominence of the horizon makes it easy to orbit to a pure edge view of any horizontal plane, which in turn facilitates selecting all the edges on that plane. Also, I think the selection color, bright blue, is much more visible against both the ground and sky than is the default Pro style selection color of yellow, particularly against a white background.
Thanks Gully - I'd not really explored the Styles panel before. Have managed to make the change to something much more visible for the reversed faces.
On a side note: Why are so few of the styles provided actually usable? Does any one really way to see their creation on a scarlet red background, with yellow lines? I think not!
P: Ampa
@ampa said:
Why are so few of the styles provided actually usable?
I guess that one man's evocative stylistic expression is another man's migrane headache.
My impression is that very few seasoned SU users are terribly thrilled by the Styles feature in general, myself included.
Not to speak about the fact that quite a few of these "styles" simply do not print as they appear on the monitor...
But here comes the saying: "De gustibus non est disputandum..."