[Plugin] Align 2d
Will look and get back to you a.s.a.p...
Edit: After an hour I'm 'stumped' - I'll sleep on it and get back to you [on year]...
Hi Didier,
First, thank you for this plugin,
However, I have some problems to make it work.For example, it doesn't work when i try to align windows on a facade. But if the facade is placed horizontally, then it works perfectly. Have you already heard about that?
Maybe i'm using it in a wrong way?
Can you help me please?Thank you.
Didier has agreed that I might update his Plugins.
The version in the PluginStore is now v2014/v2015 compatible.
http://sketchucation.com/pluginstore?pln=align_2D -
J'ai installé ce pluging facilement.
Je n'arrive pas à m'en servir. Il me manque un élément de compréhension.
Je suis plutÎt à l'aise avec Sketchup.Je sélectionne plusieurs composants.
Je lance la fonction Align 2D avec le menu.Je trace une droite; le menu apparait avec les différentes options. je valide et rien ne se passe.
En fait, je souhaiterais bien comprendre le principe dâalignement que je ne maitrise pas suffisamment.
J'ai cherché, mais il ne me semble pas qu'il existe de tutorial.
Pourrais-je avoir un peu d'aide ?
D'avance merci !!!
@dubreu said:
Je trace une droite; le menu apparait avec les différentes options. je valide et rien ne se passe
Perhaps you could show us the components/groups you are trying to align. Probably you are choosing the wrong alignment setting at the top of the dialog box.
Hi dave,
Thank you for your so quick answer !
I will try to explain it in english. Be indulgent ...You will find enclosed a screen capture.
I'm currently working on a project with a schematic railway layout (2D) which will be included in a 3D project. That why i would wike to do all the job with only one tool, sketchup.
At the left of the screen, a component. It's a schematic railway turnout.
I would like to duplicate the component and align the new instance on the current schematic layout.
A the right of the screen(figure 1 above), i would like to align the 2 turnouts like that.
A the right of the screen (figure 2 under the previous one), i would like to align the 2 turnouts like that as well (More difficult ?).Can it be done with the 2D Align Plugin ?
François -
Aucun souci! On peut aussi essayer l'Align 3D!
Any Trouble!
(you can also try the Align 3D by Didier Bur also! )
Click image for animation of 2D Align!
Grands remerciements
c'est reparti !François
please tell me how to hide or remove the axis that always been showing and annoying me by this plug in the area ..
I don't understand what is your problem. Please be more precise and post a screenshot.