Holes in faces
This has been happening lately.
the faces seem to have areas that you can see through. It seems to happen when cutting out shapes from a flat plane. It creates cut out parts that you can see through, but it's still a solid face. (in other words: if I click on a "clear" area it selects the whole face, and not the object behind it) these odd cutouts will also change shape when I draw on the face again. It's freaking me out man!
If I upload it to warehouse, or 2d export it, it's looks fine, so I had to screen print this image.
Is your model far (miles, kilometers) from the SU origin, or is it large, kilometers across? Or has it some geometry (one line is enough) far from the actual model? This is called clipping, and it is a limitation of the OpenGL display system, it doesn't handle very large geometry well. In mild cases zooming to extents helps, as does keeping Perspective view on.
thanks Anssi, unfortunately it's not large or far from origin. I've experienced this on small models and large ones. It's weird, I removed and reinstalled sketchup but it still happens.
It only happens occasionaly, and when it happens on a "face" I can sometimes eliminate it by drawing a line accross the face, and then soften it. it's as if the flat plane becomes non-planer and planer (I think thats the term) at the same time somehow. entering the fourth dimension, or twilight zone.