[Plugin] Skin.rb
Nice one man
that is funny
umm, Where do I sign to join in your "petition" for a loft tool?
That would be a great addition to all the fine tools we have now.
problem is that the Skin tool is not working in my Sketchup. I opened the Ruby console and NOTHING appears when I try to use the Skin command!
Try an older version of it, many of the newer ones don'y work for me either.
I have tried several versions of this and get no results. 23, 24, and 25 seem to do nothing, ruby console is blank. versions earlier give:
Error: #<NoMethodError: undefined method
collect' for nil:NilClass> C:/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/skin22.rb:166:in
skin'I take it this is a SU 7 problem?
It works for me in su7 but dunno what version it is. if you used one of the earlier versions and didn't work probably some other plugin is interfer.
I've also been unable to use this plugin in SU7 with anything other than 22.
would it be possible to add the functionality of an even division of straight lines? i don't know anything about ruby scripting, but maybe it would be possible to divide the to countours with the same amount of segments before connecting them...? -
I think this function is added in one of the versions (or was that a beta?
I whish there was an optoin to have precise skin, or smooth skin ( i mean , skin goes trough the sections , or let user to have a telorance choise ) and not going tightly trough midway section guides. or maybe like what there is in max LOFT tool , if there was a choise to choose section guides as components ,so that when the section is edited ,the skin is updated automatically.
Is there any way to skin connected lines with this? For instance, I have several "curved" triangular faces. In each case, all three sides are curves. I have to manually skin each of these triangles and it takes a while.
Hmm, have a picture you could post here to show it better? There are a few scripts out there, not sure if any quite do what you have in mind though. But it mgiht help to see an example,
mayebe this can help what i mean:
If it's any consolation, that is high on my list of plugins to get finished. Its not quite 1/2 way done yet, and I am not working on any intense rubies right now due to my school schedule. But maybe in a couple weeks I'll get back into that script full time. It is probably going to be built into shape bender. Only time will tell though.....
a loft tool would be really useful!
I made this quick example with Bonzai3D:
Daniel S
Cracks me up how you have Bonzai set up to look like SketchUp. very decieving!
There are so many ways that a loft tool could or should be implemented. The one you show there is fairly easy to code. But (for my Ruby skillz) it becomes problematic when you want it to work on various axes, with open and closed splines, and with more than just 2 splines.
All of these problems are easy to overcome - with some smart coding.
Oh, and I just realized another problem. Oh dear, that one might set me back a long time until I figure out the math behind bezier curves
Well, I've got about 80% of the math figured out. But thats only about 20% of the script. but here's a little video to show it in action.
There is no sound.
Aweosme Chris, this will be very usefull
What about shell after the skin? (JPP by Fredo6 ?)
@chris fullmer said:
Well, I've got about 80% of the math figured out. But thats only about 20% of the script. but here's a little video to show it in action.
There is no sound.
this looks amazing!