[Plugin] Roof.rb v2.0
Hi TIG and all......i have a request.
it appears that the ruby creates the roof form from overhang and height of fascia....
in my part of the world, roofs generally have raking soffits; where the "pitching point is the outside of wall / underside of truss junction.... in the case of flat soffits, the soffit line is obviously lower than the pitching point.
I assume your roof.rb would have to be pulled apart considerably to cater for this but is this possible? i have attached an image of two roof profiles to explain the difference.
I hope you understand what i mean.
Thanks in advance.
Hello "utiler",
I too am from the land of the vegimite coated kangaroo. Diagonally across the continent from you in the south west.
All I do is a quick section of the rafter/wall like edges of your sketch. That tells me what height to drop the plane that will be used to generate the roof and the overhang for the pitch. 2 minutes work. Any exposed rafter detail can be push pulled and then copied around the perimeter.
TIGS script takes the load out of generating the complex roof complete with overhang while vanilla sketchup is more than capable of generating the detail.
Hope this helps.
[digby dart]
Cheers Digby, I guess you could do that. Sure, a little extra work in re-creating soffits but it is certainly quicker that modelling from start.
I wouldn't think it is out of the question though, I think it would add quite a scope of tasks to the script....
Maybe also a gutter!!!
As for the vegemite-coated Roos; more of the beer-battered kind over here.....
@utiler said:
Cheers Digby, I guess you could do that. Sure, a little extra work in re-creating soffits but it is certainly quicker that modelling from start.
I wouldn't think it is out of the question though, I think it would add quite a scope of tasks to the script....
Maybe also a gutter!!!
As for the vegemite-coated Roos; more of the beer-battered kind over here.....
AndrewThe proto-Roof.rb HAD a sloping soffit type... BUT I removed it because the maths hurt my head... There were also add-gutter, add-verge etc... but again I didn't have time to implement them...
As was said, it's pretty easy for you to make the roof higher up that you want with a flat soffit then move it down to suit, THEN edit the roof group and select the inner rim of the soffit and move that up, with auto-fold the soffit will crease and become raking as you want.
To add a gutter etc you just need to draw the vertical cross-section of the desired gutter against a corner of the fascia, and then select the edges of the roof you want to have the gutter, then pick follow-me and then the cross-section's face and you'll have the gutter you want...
If you use particular gutter sections you could save a suitably shaped vertical face as a component, then when needed you simply insert it where you want, explode it and use its face for the follow-me as above...
Thanks TIG, i am not supprised your head hurt from the maths!!! I am no Ruby guru but i assume it could be confusing.....
How you explained it is pretty much as simple as it gets!!
Having said, "Do it manually...", I'm now thinking that perhaps a sloping soffit (or even a sloping fascia) option isn't so difficult for some roof types and I might look at incorporating it in a future update... watch this space...
HOLY COW what a tool! You are a generous genius, TIG. Thank you.
Excellent Script. Many thanks -- works a treat for me!!!
I must commend you also on another of your scripts that i find invaluable at work. It’s your slicer ruby. It comes in very handy for working out floor space across very large master plan massing models very quickly. It has saved me so much time. Thank you. im not sure it was ever intended for this, but if you set the floor to ceiling height say 3 metres, but don’t give the slices any thickness, then run the script across a large grouped area of buildings then explode the floor slabs within the main group, by using the area tool with all faces within that group selected you get a total floor space for that whole area. You may have to delete the top slices so that you don’t include the roofs. But very, very handy indeed.
Whilst using your most recent roof script i was impressed in the way that you could assign a material and a layer to the new roof.
I have a request.
(Not that your not bizzy enough as it is)
Is it possible to implement this within in the slicer ruby? So that the when you create the new slices you have an option of also assigning a material to the new slices. In this way you could have separate materials for residential, commercial and retail space. This information regarding the areas assigned to the materials could be then exported to an excel sheet. Giving you a detailed breakdown very quickly regarding your model.Once again many thanks
Both the mentioned scripts are excellent.
All the best
This is specifically about this script itself. Just wondering if this script can be used in a commercial environment, if so are all scripts allowed to be used for commercial use in the Ruby Script Depository? I understand you may not know about other sripts.
Many thanks in advance.
Sorry TIG if I bother you: I just tried installing the plugin but it seems not to load correctly. It simply doesn't show up in the plugins menu. I double checked the correct position of the rb file. ..Maybe a plugin conflict?
Please complete your User-Profile so that we know your OS, version etc - Help us to help you...
This particular thread is way out of date !
You need http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=17156#p17156 v3.7 version.
I have added warning/link-to-latest to this oneIn any case, it is very unlikely to be a conflict.
Have you done all of the usual checks, that have been covered in dozens of threads hundreds of times...
Assuming you 'manually installed' and didn't use the 'SketchUcation Plugin Store' AutoInstall feature...
The current version of this tool just has the one Roof.rb file that goes into the Plugins folder.
There is optional separate ZIP containing the Help file in several formats, you can extract those into the Plugins folder, as desired.You also need to restart SketchUp after manually installing any files...
Next do you have FULL security permissions to your Plugins folder.
On a PC, with Admin-rights, select its icon, right-click > context-menu > Properties > Security > Edit... and set to FULL for everyone on the list... Apply/OK to complete.
If you do not then Windows can put files/subfolders that you think you have installed into a VitrualStore folder and not tell you!
On a MAC you need to ensure FULL Read/Write permissions to the folder...A submenu item should appear under the Plugins menu, named 'Roof...'
To check if it is loading, type this into the Ruby Console:
load 'Roof.rb' +<enter>
Returns 'true' if it is loaded, otherwise error messages...
To test for a command manually, type this into the Ruby Console:
It should run the 'Hip' tool with an error-message dialog, unless you have a flat face preselected.Let us know the outcome...
Thank you TIG for pointing me to the latest version: I totally missed that......sorry!
..now, I have some experience using and working with sketchup, so the plugin not showing up at all was a little dazzling for meThanks a lot for your help by the way!
The "roof.." entry now appears but anything I try to do, even with a simple rectangle selected, triggers a bugsplat.. Can you help me further? -
Please complete your User-Profile so that we know your OS, version etc - Help us to help you...
More details - I am not clairvoyant.
Post a simple failing example... -
I know you're not a mage TIG
My question was about some kind of plugin conflicts you may know to be still lurking..
The splat is easy to describe: empty scene, simple rectangle, selected, activate plugin, test with default values, OK and...splat!I haven't many plugins installed (I like to keep my SketchUp light
I have roundcorners, indigo renderer, furmaker, Fredoscale, Tools on surface and edge2 tools.
Shall I try the plugin with sketchup8 free?
Try making the face [rectangle] NOT at z=0.
PushPull it into a box and select the top face...An old glitch that should be fixed ??
Hi TIG sorry for the late reply, have been busy with a work..
Nothing to do: same result if I push the rectagle up, make it a box and select the top face.. -
Ruby Console errors?
I have no time to recall the ruby console window, since the crash happens just as I click on the action I want to do. No warnings, no error windows.. Is there a way to read sort of a ruby console log of past events?
Let's think about clashing Plugins...
Find the Quarantine page at SCF and check you have none of those loading.
Also try with SketchyPhysics disabled.
Also disable any Render plugins and recently added BIM plugins etc...If you use the 'SkecthUcation Plugins Manager' you can easily disable/enable plugins, restarting to remove the disabled plugins from the loaded set...
I suspect an issue with group methods getting ill-advisedly changed or observers breaking legit tools...
Clearly something is messing up here...
A list of all of your loading plugins might help narrow the list of suspects...
Hello TIG, I'm running Sketchup 2015, have downloaded the Roof V2, and pasted it in the 'Tools' folder (there is no 'Plug-ins' folder). After shutting Sketchup down and restarting, 'Roof' still does not appear on the menu. I've done this three times. What am I doing wrong?