A Fun Little Game, Continued...
Marian, you failed to post in the required "Granted/I wish" format and have killed the thread!!!
I wish I knew what to wish for, so no one could accuse me of pulling a marian.
Granted, you wished for another wish, but promptly got a visit from the almighty so he could tell you that was against the rules.
I wish i didnt have a lecture first thing tomorrow morning.
Granted, but you missed the lecture cause it was today.
I wish my degree paper would write it self in record time.
Granted. It will write itself in record time- record slow time that is.
... I wish I had Unity, especially now that V.2.5 is out
That means you can get it for windows now too! http://unity3d.com/unity/whats-new/unity-2.5
Granted, but Unity will somehow overwrite your whole hardrive
I wish I was good at making jokes
Granted, you are good at making jokes; just not writing them out or telling them. They still make sense in your head though
... I wish my the ruby script i've been (attempting at) writing would work
Granted, but you forget how to write ruby soon after you figure it out.
I wish i could always have the money i need to pay for something, right in my pocket.
Granted, but your housebound because your weighed down by all the money in your pockets.
I wish the weather would stay good for the weekend.
Granted, but you will have to make an unexpected but necessary trip out of town, to a place where it aint so nice.
I wish my trainer will not be too hard on me tonight.
Granted. . .but he'll beath the heck out of you tomorrow.
I wish I could afford a trainer.
Granted but now your name is Daniel and you trainer is going to beat the heck out of you tomorrow.
I wish that Remus hadn't put the rubbish 'puzzle' on the visual puns thread.
Granted, but you can't use the internet from 6 in the morning until midnight.
I wish i had one application that opens ALL uncommon file types. I'm sick of having to search the internet for an application that opens a file, and then finding that the file was rubbish and i never needed it. Then i have to uninstall the application, which i have trouble doing because i'm always in a hurry, and i will occasionally save my files and useless apps in weird locations without being aware of it. The process continues on, and on, and on, and on..........
Granted, you found a handy little app called skynet, after running it for a few days you realise it has a few unwanted side effects, though...
I wish i was in the peak district.
granted. . .but you peaked too soon!
I wish to get my house built this summer. (i hope! I hope! I hope!)
Granted, but you have to relocate for work and have to sell the house at a knock-down price.
I wish the Australian Government would let the HM Bark Endeavour replica resume sailing around the world and return to England for a while.
Granted, but once it reaches England, it's hijacked by loonies, who sail it into a hurricane in a vain attempt to find Atlantis.
I wish SPIV was already finished
Granted but its not compatible with your computer.
i wish i had a better laptop -
Granted, but to afford it you had to downsize, so it has an 8" screen.
ืืืืืื ืฉืืขืืื ืื ืืื ืฉืืชืืื idiots ืื ืจืืื.
You're wish can not be granted coz this wish man (manly fairy) can't read your Hebrew?
I wish I could read Hebrew.
Granted. . .but all books on earth are in Farsi.
I wish I could learn this VRay Stuff!!!!!