Free form script w/ structure tutorial
one more variation on the same principal ideas
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Creating Framed Structures.skp -
Nice tuts / examples, thanks.
Comes to my mind that I've created things with tools like that and might add them as tuts, too. -
It would be interesting to see alternate methods for creating organic geometry. Anyways Gaieus thanks for looking and commenting - i like your tag a greek-american it was something i heard quite often so i was surprised to see that somebody who was a non-greek had it as a tag line.
Talk to you later thanks
Really well done, Ypnos.
Because of my background in fabrication and mass customization, I've always scorned the notion of "organics" (we should probably really use the term "warped or non-ruled surfaces") in SketchUp when I have access to other software like Rhino. The right tool for the right stuff bit...
But looking at your tutorials I think I should reconsider. After all, a true non-ruled surface is almost impossible to create at the scale of building components, and except in limited areas we always approximate them anyway once we get to construction. If the approximation is to be loose like your saddle-shaped skylight or your chair (which are obvious nets of polygons approximating a non-ruled surface), why not use SketchUp?
poster-Lewis Wadsworth
Because this is a SU forum. Lewis...
For what it's worth, that is fascinating... and awesome!
I look forward to experimenting with this.
@ypnos1 said: a greek-american it was something i heard quite often so i was surprised to see that somebody who was a non-greek had it as a tag line...
Ypnos, then I'm much closer to Greece than you are.
Plus there are more and more evidences that some time in the 2nd milleneum BC Greeks wandered to "nowadays" Greece from where I live.BTW do you use Kerkythea for rendering? If so (or even if not) do you know what it ("she") means?
Mass customization - very interesting please tell us more about your projects and how you have been able to utilize sketchup or other softwares to impliment your ideas.
Gaieus - actually i'm in greece right it's going to be touch to be closer
Kidding-----your are closer to greece 90% of the time i suppose. I do use Kerkythea Check out the thread to see some of the latest SU modelling and Kerky rendering. Do i know what it means? I thea means view and i'm guessing kerky is from kerkyra which is an island off the western coast of Greece also known as Corfu. I'm guessing Giannis the creator of the program is from there. Just a guess
Nick - for what it's worth? It means a lot too me when i'm able to contribute something to the pool of knowledge. These forums have single handedly helped me leaps and bounds in the things I want to do and achieve. So contributing something significant is very important to me. So thanks for looking and of coarse taking the time to comment.
@ypnos1 said:
Mass customization - very interesting please tell us more about your projects and how you have been able to utilize sketchup or other softwares to impliment your ideas.
I wonder if this shouldn't be its own thread. But anyway...actually, my former instructor Kevin Rotheroe explains the mass customization concept much better than I can:
That's a pretty old article...he's doing even more interesting things now. But that kind of thing is really what I specialized in when I went back to grad school at Yale to get my M.Arch. I worked for the school for four years in their fabrication lab, in fact.
All very neat and promising, just like Kevin's article implies, and this sort of work does lead one to appreciate geometric distinctions. But I graduated, the possibility of doing more research in these areas seemingly fell through, and the only architecture firm I could find that did this sort of work regularly told me that they would love to hire me but they barely made any money at this and couldn't afford more people. So now I'm just your average architect in a typical big office, I'm afraid, except that I have a house and a basement full of weird quasi-sculptural, quasi-architectural custom-fabricated stuff that is of little use except for tripping people. Since none the work I did in this area really has anything to do with SketchUp (YSOA's equipment at the time was not geared to deal with polygonal mesh files of any sort, which is why I'm rather partial to NURBS and Rhino), I rather hesitate to eat up Coen's bandwith with pictures of my experiments. Eventually I will throw together a website portfolio and I'll send you a link.
poster-Lewis Wadsworth
This has finally convinced me to try out the soapskin plugin - found it ages ago but got too busy and forgot about it. Now I can't resist trying it out! Great tutorials and examples of what can be done.
@ypnos1 said:
one more variation on the same principal ideas
take a quick peak
[attachment=0:ffsmrl6p]<!-- ia0 -->Creating Framed Structures.skp<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:ffsmrl6p]hey brother ... sry 2 bother u but i downloaded the skp file and its very nice but i dont have the ruby plugins used ... do u know where i can download them .
thx man -
great tutorial
but what is the 2cyl.rb what a strange name
i've never heard it
please tell me where i can find it -
@wdbao said:
great tutorial
but what is the 2cyl.rb what a strange name
i've never heard it
please tell me where i can find ittry to find "line2tube.rb"