Styles Oddity
I downloaded some styles from chris71 in the Original SketchUp Forum last night. I placed them in a New Styles folder in the Styles folder along with a bunch more I have been collecting. While they work there is a problem.
Here is a link a thread I replied to: in case the link goes dead here is my reply with the problem.
@unknownuser said:
I am experiencing some trouble with your styles. When I load SU if I pick on wet-watercolor it is fine. Then I try Dots and it stays with the watercolor. I try Urbiaco and again it stays with the watercolor.
On the flip side if I reload SU and start with dots then try wet-watercolor, it stays with dots etc...
I can use any of the other styles fine it is just with yours.
The styles I downloaded were:
DotsIf anybody knows what is causing this please share.
Make a real small change to the style and save it as a style and rename it. Then it should work right.
Thanks for the reply Ron but how do I make a change? And what should I change so I don't mess it up?
I tried opening it in Notepad but I just saw a ton of code. I have never played with making new or editing styles. -
Eric, make changes in the style box -> edit tab. You can play around there with the settings.
Oh it is that simple huah? I thought Ron was talking about changing some code. Thanks Guys.
I should have said settings.
I would not mind if some generous soul decided to share a couple of styles with the rest of us. not at all.
Hi, I'm the author of the "buggy" styles, is my first post here.
I know the problem of these styles, but I don't know how to avoid it. I tried the last suggestions about saving the styles with a new name but for me it didn't work, I have always the problem: the first of my styles I choose is the only I can see in the document.
If somebody find the solution, I'will be glad if he can post here the styles corrected.
Thanks, and I'm happy to have found a new refernce forum about sketchup![chris71]
Glad you are here Chris. I have enjoyed your styles. Hope they get sorted out. I see you saw the post Ross gave you on the SketchUp Forum.
Yes, thanks for those styles Chris. I hope you continue to create these as they are very useful!
Thanks again!