RAL colors
i rushed to thank but cant make it work on 2013. I copied the file in the materials folder but sketchup cant see it. I then made a ral folder and copied there the skm file. Sketchup sees the ral folder but its emty. Any other idea?
UPDATE: TIG saved my life everything is ok. TIG your king.
first i downloaded RAL-Farben.zip but didnt work out and then i downloaded RAL.zip posted by TIG and worked out.
I donΒ΄t know why the zip is damage or in a wrong format. i use windows8
could you try RAR? normally WIN RAR can zip files open, too
thank you Dean
p.s. color and "farben" is the same, only the file is different
greets from berlin
Try it again.
@Dave R
thank you Dave its the German Version
all Beginner (not you Dave) in Sketchup must remember, that RAL is a subtractive color system
and what you see, is an aditive color in sketchup
important is the RAL No.
here the german Page with more infos
(with a link to the english version)here a Page to RAL and other Colorsystems (British and Australian Color System is include) however not for sketchup
RAL Effect E3 colour fans and swatches
RAL Effect E3 colour fans and swatches - RAL, BS4800 and BS381C colour charts, swatches, cards, fans and books. Order online
thanks again Dave
p.s. My idea: a thread for all Colorsystems wordwide and possible downloads concentraded in on thread.
I've downloaded Tig's RAL file with English names (thanks Tig) and placed it in my materials folder, where all the colours are in a second folder and show as SKM files. It shows as a collection in the paint bucket but it's empty....I've tried a re-start a couple of times but still no joy.... help please -
it should be in your 'User' Materials folder...
John, you're missing a bunch of colors.
thanks Driven,
I've managed to sort it with Dave's help, the problem was that I'd put all of Tig's folder in my plugins folder, where as I should have opened his folder and just copied/moved the folder within the folder, (i.e. the one containing all the skm files) into my plugins folder. Once I'd done that it worked fine.
best regards, Sally
Thanks Dave, that worked.