Free of 2025
Quasi same name than above!
all free
ultra zen: Prompt---> generate
ultra speed!Style of Karol Bak, she's sitting on a pile of scrap robot parts, she's eating a butterfly, there's a weird machine on her head, out from the machine a swarm of robot butterflies are released
Prompt by Lana RoseChange Artist (Odd Nerdrum) and some pronouns!
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This post is deleted! -
Those images are superb. I wonder what impact AI will have on society. no children with Dad's over sized shirt whilst finger painting on an easel with real paint and paper. Saddens me so much. Human creativity will be so devalued/obliterated. Such sad times, I hate it
Raphael AI - Free Unlimited AI Image Generator
Raphael AI, the world's first completely free and unlimited AI Image Generator powered by FLUX.1-Dev model. No registration required, superior image quality.
I would like to learn how to make such things:
The designs represent a specific style or piece of tilework, etc. For example how may I ask AI image generators to combine a pattern from a rug to a furniture or apply on a described building... -
@pilou These are so painterly, colors, lighting and mood... Do you know what is the prompt utilized to generate such images?