T-60 light tank...
Hi everyone, I started the model of a new tank
as my previous tank model turned out to be too complicated for my old computer: https://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=333&t=70373
so I decided to create something simpler with fewer polygons
For now I made the hull.
Nothing unusual, simple shapes with lots of screws and rivets, no textures(random texture from the web)
To be continuedBTW sorry for my English
That looks like a very fine start.
BTW, no need to apologise for your English, it's fine mate.
Looks promising! One thing I have to do with my projects is split the areas with placemarkers, Sketchup wouldnt be able to handle all your working meshes in 1 file, just the drawings alone slow it to a crawl!
Something I frequently do with my cars, is to have the one blueprint/drwaing to work from at origin and have several different models which I work on seperately.
When I am basically done, I import each model into a base model.
Remember that they all have the same origin point.
No need to move or orient the imports, they are already set up with the same origin.
Et voila, layers without layers and if each model is then moved to a different layer you can fine tune them individually by switching layers on or off.
Looking good.
Thank you all for your fedback
I use layers all the time... but when I get to rendering in kerkythea... eh my vintage i7 4790k doesn't handle it very well
I could invest in a new processor and graphics... but there are always other needs
Kerkythea was my first real rendering experience. It's a good program. Up until 2021 I was using a an i5-2500K desktop. It was really slow waiting for renderings. I started in computers with a 486. Now that was slow. At least compared to today. I did most of my Fender Stratocaster renderings with the old i5 rig which is still running and had to use it during computer emergencies. I got a 10th gen i9 in 2021 and I blinked and they already came out with 11th gen and now we're at 13th gen. 11th gen didn't get many good reviews. I have an i9 10900K now which I upgraded from a plain Jane 10900.