Test of upper level hdri
Thanks mate.
The lighting is great, however, the perspective is off a bit.
I run into this sometimes with HDRIs as well. I usually have to fiddle with it. Wish I could give you a better idea of how to work it, but I start with rotating the HDRI. Sometimes I have to elevate or lower the model in SU.
Sometimes nothing works and I have to choose another HRDI.
But man, the lighting of your renders is great!
Thanks mate, I agree with the point re perspective, working on it. Some drone image hdri's are starting to appear which will help.
Other than that is is still going to be trial and erroras we all know.
You folk inspore me to continue to dig into this great hobby, thanks for that too, all of you.
I should also like to thank my fans (All three of them felines), especially the one which brought me a headless rat back from her evening stroll tonight and dropped it next to my keyboard. I treasured it for the ten minutes it took to bury out of her ability to find it again. Once viewed, never forgotten.
Like the previous ones better.
Fiddle away! We all do it!
Thanks folks, Dave, agreed mate. New hdri. It's a bit addictive tbh.
This HDRI is better.
Very close, but maybe try... hmmm... lowering the camera a little and then tilting it up just a hair.
And maybe, after that, if that's not quite there, rotating the HDRI randomly. A little or maybe a lot.
Trust me, you'll know when you see it.
As I said, I REALLY have to fiddle with HDRIs to get them to look right. But you are most certainly close!
I have to do this every single time I use an HDRI, I just do it faster now.
Interesting experiments Keep at it
Ta folks, sorry I'm slow to respond. Thinking about options like you have suggested.
I came up with this, thanks for the suggestions folks.
Larger res. https://www.twilightrender.com/phpBB3/download/file.php?id=19632
Living area.
Clipped ceiling.
Looking good!
Ta mate, having to rethink the render window size, memory issues.
High level on a far off planet, or perhaps a sub teranean living space with a daulight level illumiation screen beyond the 'windows'.
Alien world, a bit Outer limits perhaps.
The source of the bavkplate is, https://skybox.blockadelabs.com/4ed46d0bf5549ba215c9e3a5c506e3e6