Solar North
That's more of a disclaimer. Just means the author hasn't updated it to say it works in 2022. This happens a lot as many plugins authors have other things to do and don't get around to marking their plugins as compatible. It doesn't happen automatically nor is it done by someone paid to do it. I know this is a sketchup team plugin, but I'm not commenting on that. So most of the time you can ignore it and just say Yes. If it doesn't happen to work you can always remove it.
It is not a well thought out error message. -
It does not happen by itself, nor is it performed by someone who is paid to do so. I'm aware that this is a Sketchup Team plugin, but I'm not going to comment on that. eggy car
It does not happen by itself, nor is it performed by someone who is paid to do so. I'm aware that this is a Sketchup Team plugin, but I'm not going to comment on that. eggy car