Reduce texture resolution
Is there an easy way to find out what textures are making a file huge? And is there an easy way to reduce the texture resolution/ file size?
Thanks in advance
jm -
Try the "Goldilocks" plugin.
Thank you
Goldilocks identifies what I need to reduce. Is there an uncomplicated way to select the material and reduce the resolution? -
I double click the material in the material browser and, in the panel that appears, choose the button to the right of the material name: "Edit texture image in external editor" and then reduce the image size in the external editor, and save/overwriting the image used for the in- model material.
If you haven't already done so, go to Window>Preferences>Applications and select your favorite image editor. I like PaintDotNet.
Then go into the In Model materials, right click on the thumbnail for the texture you want to edit and choose Edit Texture Image... It will open in your image editor where you can make whatever adjustments you need. When you save the changes and return to the SketchUp file the edits should be visible.
thank you