It's almost heresy but what is needed is for Putin and his fellow monsters to be remove by the Russian Duma and put on trial for their war crimes.
Why should Ukraine give concessions to anyone? They are a peaceful sovereign state.
The very fact that Russian citizens are willing to be arrested demonstrates the readiness for many Russians to accept regime change. I have said it before but what about removing NATO? In it's place have a grouping of ALL the largest and better off nations to protect the smaller and less well off nations?
The un is completely bloody worthless and consists of a group of old eejits talking the talk but knowing they will never have to do anything. One nation with a veto ruins any vote, how on earth can a nation that is breaking the code have a right to vote at all?
I have asked the office of the secretary general and as usual, no reply.
In the meantime decent people die, kids die an hundreds and thousands, of thirst and hunger. In the 21st century ffs.
Politicians, talk and nothing more, time for real change.
@mike amos said:
It's almost heresy but what is needed is for Putin and his fellow monsters to be remove by the Russian Duma and put on trial for their war crimes.
Why should Ukraine give concessions to anyone? They are a peaceful sovereign state.
The very fact that Russian citizens are willing to be arrested demonstrates the readiness for many Russians to accept regime change. I have said it before but what about removing NATO? In it's place have a grouping of ALL the largest and better off nations to protect the smaller and less well off nations?
The un is completely bloody worthless and consists of a group of old eejits talking the talk but knowing they will never have to do anything. One nation with a veto ruins any vote, how on earth can a nation that is breaking the code have a right to vote at all?
I have asked the office of the secretary general and as usual, no reply.
In the meantime decent people die, kids die an hundreds and thousands, of thirst and hunger. In the 21st century ffs.
Politicians, talk and nothing more, time for real change.
What is not well known is that a friend of mine in Moscow received what could only be described as a marketing questionnaire from a female Caller with 25 questions being:
What do you think of Poo tin?
What do you make of the "special operations" in Ukraine?.
Do you feel proud of the action?
Do you think we need a change of Government?Blah blah blah
I thought it was interesting, they are obviously trying to gauge the mood/sentiment of the people
With a bit of luck he will trip over his bottom lip and break his own neck. With or without assistance.
Check this out
***"Putin was baptized into the Russian Orthodox Church as a boy, which wasn't all that common back in the Soviet era. His father, who worked for the NKVD (the predecessor of the KGB), was an atheist, but his mother was a devoted Christian and raised Vladimir in the faith.Putin himself has said that he became a practicing Orthodox Christian in 1993, when he was 41 years old. He openly supports the church, even using the instruments of government to promote it. You can find plenty of photos on the Internet of Putin attending church services, including one on this thread.
In light of the fact that he's clearly a practicing Christian and self-identifies as one, we regard him as a Christian. The extent to which his beliefs are sincere is something that only Vladimir Putin knows, just the same as anyone else who professes faith in a higher power"***
Source "quora" but I have cross checked but other quates were too long...............................................and here we go
Mike is correct in his assessment that the west failed the people of Russia and the USSR collapse caused the deaths of many people both through direct and indirect means. I am talking of people dying through hunger and malnutrition
The military were not being paid and soviet era nuclear submarines and weapons were simply dumped on beaches and in deep water north of their coast, i9n some areas within the protected zone.
Aircrew were taking aircraft and spares and just leaving. Most of the charity deliveries to Africa especially but across the world, were delivered by aircraft being flown by crews who had not been discharged from military service but abandoned. We COULD have done a lot to help given we were cutting our military costs by orders of magnitude. The British army reduced tank regiments by half in a very short space of time.
Let's be open and honest here, people in leadership positions over decades made decisions that led us to this point. It could still be put to Russia that we stop and put our heads together and have a big organisation that covers everyone. No doubt the PRC would refuse because their from of socialism does not allow for it to change direction. The treatment of the uigar people demonstrates this very well as did the Tianemin square massacre of their own people.
Russians left to the devices of the pary have a distrust of us in the west, they have had too many occasions when they got a thorough kicking to easily forget.
Let's talk to the Russians and offer an alternative to placating the PRC to avoid an incursion into Siberia. They have long lusted after the resources and if they see a weakness they will in there like a rat up a drainpipe.
@mike amos said:
Mike is correct in his assessment that the west failed the people of Russia and the USSR collapse caused the deaths of many people both through direct and indirect means. I am talking of people dying through hunger and malnutrition
The military were not being paid and soviet era nuclear submarines and weapons were simply dumped on beaches and in deep water north of their coast, i9n some areas within the protected zone.
Aircrew were taking aircraft and spares and just leaving. Most of the charity deliveries to Africa especially but across the world, were delivered by aircraft being flown by crews who had not been discharged from military service but abandoned. We COULD have done a lot to help given we were cutting our military costs by orders of magnitude. The British army reduced tank regiments by half in a very short space of time.
Let's be open and honest here, people in leadership positions over decades made decisions that led us to this point. It could still be put to Russia that we stop and put our heads together and have a big organisation that covers everyone. No doubt the PRC would refuse because their from of socialism does not allow for it to change direction. The treatment of the uigar people demonstrates this very well as did the Tianemin square massacre of their own people.
Russians left to the devices of the pary have a distrust of us in the west, they have had too many occasions when they got a thorough kicking to easily forget.
Let's talk to the Russians and offer an alternative to placating the PRC to avoid an incursion into Siberia. They have long lusted after the resources and if they see a weakness they will in there like a rat up a drainpipe.
You are right Mike. Its one big game of chess! The Ukrainian president is calling for mass marches by the people of the West to protest against Russia. While I would attend such a local march I would also make sure that my placard read, 'Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right!'.
Apart from the terrible bloodshed in the Ukraine the most worrying thing for me the the Doomsday Clock setting which presently running at 100 seconds to midnight! The general population don't seem to be that worried about this situation. All it would take is a small slip and humanity is done for. still reluctantly remain neutral on the Ukrainian situation simply because taking any particular side leaves no room for negotiation and it will be through negotiation that this mess will be settled peacefully. While I feel totally helpless with regard to what I can do personally with the exception of voicing a possible unpopular viewpoint, I will remain hopeful that wise men will prevail and we will see better days ahead. The world needs Direct Democracy, it will be the best ongoing political solution for the current challenges the World faces.
This video shows Putin's current mind set quite well also his overall future plans to keep Russia afloat. It's quite detailed with surprising (to many) emphasis on boosted child care, Russian children only! He needs to seriously think about the Ukrainian children also.
'Vladimir Putin Address on Socioeconomic Strategy for Russia - 16 March 2022 - English Subtitles' this video Yanis Varoufakis outlines a 'Golden Bridge' strategy that the West should be looking towards.
Yanis Varoufakis: The West Is "Playing with Fire" If It Pushes Regime Change in Nuclear-Armed Russia 'Golden Bridge' strategy makes great sense but I doubt we will see one being put in place by the West as there seems to be no efforts towards negotiation only the West's Military Industrial Complex is laughing all the way to the bank at the moment quite oblivious to the fact that banks are not nuke proof!
Long story short..........Genius
.... and is that a 'brown envelope' behind the fingers?
Is it a real or fake image?
@majid said:
Is it a real or fake image?
I have no idea, am thinking fake but it still works for me
(edited) here you go:
How wrong was the poo-tin estimation, it was amazing to me.
This is an indicator of their system's failure. -
@majid said:
How wrong was the poo-tin estimation, it was amazing to me.
This is an indicator of their system's failure.Very
Although it is a fierce and atrocious war, but smashed the fake guise of Russian power... regardless of result...
@majid said:
Although it is a fierce and atrocious war, but smashed the fake guise of Russian power... regardless of result...
I agree Majid. It seems that Russia's military is not as powerful as we have been lead to believe. However, when a rat is cornered it becomes very dangerous and unpredictable.
It also looks like the media is calling/pressing for direct USA intervention with 'boots on the ground'! Hopefully Biden will hold his stance and not risk nuclear armageddon.
I think Biden's spokeswoman when asked by a journalist, 'Why isn't the USA putting boots on the ground', she should offer the journalist a free ticket to the Ukraine so he/she can directly take up the fight they are calling for. I also notice that its mostly female journalists that are pushing this agenda! I find that very alarming.
@mike lucey said:
It seems that Russia's military is not as powerful as we have been lead to believe.
"Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak."
"The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent."
"Great results can be achieved with small forces."- Sun Tzu.
@juju said:
@mike lucey said:
It seems that Russia's military is not as powerful as we have been lead to believe.
"Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak."
"The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent."
"Great results can be achieved with small forces."- Sun Tzu.
"Great results can be achieved with small forces." Maybe so but not without generals. I'd imagine Sun Tzu could only agree with that seeing as he was a general himself.
List of Russian generals killed during the 2022 invasion of Ukraine
The figure could be as high as seven if some reports are to be believed. Then again, it's not possible to have these reports fully verified.
My worry is that if Russia are not reaching their intended goals/targets with conventional tactics/weaponry they may resort to more drastic measures!
Hopefully sense will prevail soon on all sides and a compromise is reached.
I wish for an internal collapse... The overall system might not be stable anymore...Corruption, mismanagement, misunderstanding of their relation to reality and world...I guess this will reveal the Russian people.
I hope that the "war criminal" charge is tight, and strong enough evidence is provided that will stack up in the International court. The Indonesian leader Joko Widodo invited poo tin (I am not above childish name calling) to the G20 talk-fest in Indonesia this year. If poo tin is charged. That will cut him off and he will be Isolated to Russia. I dont think even Xi would be able to assist.Then if he is overthrown the world may have access to poo tin. Seeing him ander arrest would be very satisfying
@majid said:
I wish for an internal collapse... The overall system might not be stable anymore...Corruption, mismanagement, misunderstanding of their relation to reality and world...I guess this will reveal the Russian people.
I would hope for the same Majid. When we think about it, ordinary Russians have never known any kind of genuine democracy, if such a thing truly exists. It looks to me that they went from being governed by a Tzar to a politburo to Lenin and then so called 'strong arm' leaders.
Listening to what looks to be ordinary Russian interviewees on 1420 I get a sad feeling that they are very much afraid to criticise current rulers. Hopefully, the well informed young generation will be brave enough to fight for and win true democracy.