Brief "tread lightly"
Hi all and seasons greetings
I requested somebody post a brief as I find it hard to create challenges for myself. So I formulated a brief if others are looking for inspiration.
Here is a brief:
Design a small dwelling for a couple (no kids) The house can only be built by materials delivered to the small jetty.
Climate: Temperate
Services: Zero (off grid)
Clients early 30's affluent Hi stress jobs. They are after something fairy modern and attractive
Soil conditions; Not tested so assume adverse
Use: recreational (between 4 and 12 weeks per year)
Vehicular access: boat only draft 1M (helicopter perhaps)
Planning compliance: Max footprint of dwelling 150m2 including any decking Max height of dwelling 4m
They will spend time fishing and chilling. Listening to music. They both enjoy wine and art.
Note the the rear of the dwelling must not be more than 10M from the shoreline at any point
The image is one I was playing with a while ago. I basically copied another work, but shows the setting
If you are looking for something to model/design have fun -
That looks interesting. I have a few things to get further with but I reckon I'll have a go. Thanks for posting this, it will grease the cogs for a while.