No Such File or Directory
I have been using Component Finder for a month or so. It's a great tool.
The other week, I tried to save a component, and I got an error: "No such file or directory @ realpath_rec-" followed by the directory and file name of the my library folder.
I attached a photo of the error message.
This is all while Component finder is reading the folder, and I have used the components in the model.
I tried saving the component with the "Save As" option in the right click menu within SketchUp. The same error from Component Finder appeared.
Then I uninstalled the extension. At that point, I was able to successfully use the right click option in Sketchup to save the component.
I saved a few, then I reinstalled the extension, re-scanned the folders, and the new components appeared.
After reinstalling, I tried to save more components, and I still get the error message.
Any ideas what I need to do to fix this error?