Is 2017 make being poisoned?
i had a lightbulb moment and decided to disable all my extension ive added over the years, vast majority I never use, but they do slow up the loading and phone home for up date and notification I dont need, the recent one skp to dxf converter may have been the issue but wont know as they are all off duty
so su make loaded up in half the time and so far as limited playing around with my original sketch ive had no trouble BUT its too early to say but before i was crashing every 5 minsyes 15 years with SU as a hobbyist and ive never made a penny from my works just amateur fun
checking my floor plans laying out a kitchen and the like.Remember there were thousands of souls out there to developing extensions for free such as TIG and Freddo etc and this is what made SU so unique not just a cash cow for some corporate monster
must have brought 3d geometry to millions of humble souls
I wonder. Do we know, is SketchUp really a cash cow? I suspect the opposite. Hope Trimble doesn't decide to give it up or pare down resources and jobs.
@pbacot said:
I wonder. Do we know, is SketchUp really a cash cow? I suspect the opposite.
I'd imagine that it's just a drop in the bucket. Trimble had their $$ and position LONG before buying SU.
doesnt stop the bean counters drilling down for extra profit and bonuses. Im not an architect so have fo idea about that market but that what SU was aimed at originally - but there are many other visualisers in that market
The SU did some special things with Ray tracing, meant you could simulate indoor lighting schemes - very clever, The there are commercial studios who make wonderful models of cars for example
I havent kept up with any of that stuff, but Im sure there's a loyal bunch of users still out thereGoogle offloaded it pretty quick, could have done well in terrain modelling but didnt follow through - I wonder if the military interfered - like they did with google earth
I hope it doesnt fall aside - but without new gripping features, say incorporating some of the best of the extensions
there's one springs to mind SB trilateration - that will accurately intersect 2 circles and 3 spheres with points in space. that solves those nasty intersect problems that wont snap.
Then theres Sketchy Physics the engine ceased development so you couldnt input real worlds values - how good would that be. you could make your model animated and collide
theres one extension can calculate forces in pin join structures
the list couldgo on
but I think the subscription model is a death wish - its dying
Usage model is the buzz, but investors dont like it cos they aint got the punters by the nutsIMHO just keep going along with straight sales and regular updates SU is no threat and no other 3d cad has come near to SU, and dont be greedy - Adobe failed with its agressive approach, there are several photo shop competitors to their bloatware.
@robint said:
Google offloaded it pretty quick, could have done well in terrain modelling but didnt follow through - I wonder if the military interfered - like they did with google earth
Google bought SketchUp from @Last for one main reason. To use it to populate Google Earth with 3D content. Google offered the free version for one reason: They expected those who used it to model 3D content for Google Earth. They were very open about it at the time. At 3D Basecamp the presented some stats about the number of users who opened it every week around the world and figured they could have all of the 3D buildings on the planet modeled within 5 years if the non-paying users would all contribute models of buildings in their areas.
As it turned out, not many of those people actually played along. Instead they model space ships, robots, cars, skateboard parks, furniture, etc. Between that and the development of LIDAR and other imaging technologies, Google decided they didn't need SketchUp anymore. It likely would have gone the way many [url= other Google programs[/url] and apps did.
The SketchUp development team was very small under Google it got smaller before Google finally sold it off. It doesn't take much looking to see that Trimble has much more interest in SketchUp than Google did. Google owned it for 5 years and put out three upgrades. Trimble has put out an update every year since they bought it in 2012. The size of the development team has grown, they've fixed legacy problems and made many improvements, added features, web-based versions which are operating system-agnostic, and added integration with other Trimble products.
I don't really blame them for discontinuing development of SketchUp Make. At least several time a week I see freeloaders who are using it for their commercial work violating the EULA either here or on the other SketchUp forum. If there's anyone to blame for no new Make versions, blame them.
Ok thnx for the heads up, may the force be with you, btw this board doesnt seem to notify me when you post even though i set it to email me?
is there somewhere i can link to keep up to speed with SU
You can try the Trimble website to keep up to speed. Release notes etc. And you can see what people are talking about at (besides here).
Progress - maybe?
Other people have complained on this board about crashes when resizing etc. One soul noted that Firefox has issues with Open gl
you need to go into about:com and search for Webgl disabled and switch it enable
Also Firefox needs hardware acceleration turned on - its off default
google for instructions
Also I changed to Chrome browser and the problems stopped
so maybe this might help someone
so far fingers crossed
BTW terrible reviews of SU free and SU WEB/cloud
Is T trying to destroy the product, so many angry users out there
I followed your link to the forum and blow me, there is no category for su2017 make (or any of free, web)
this makes me suspicious that this is a bigT controlled forum here.
If you are speaking of the SketchUp Community forum, there aren't categories for specific versions. You can always post in the main SketchUp area, or search for 2017.
True Trimble has little reason to provide 2017 for free, yet for the moment they do. I doubt they are "trying" to destroy anything. All they have to do is remove it from downloads, if they want.
Yes a lot of people wish SketchUp were better, that has always been the case.
Trimble is supporting the "SketchUp Community" forum and some of the moderators are SketchUp employees, I believe. It works pretty well for solving issues and helping people with modeling. I've checked in there regularly and I think the moderation is fair. Many people who we know, from years of activity on this forum, also post there regularly, helping others and sharing ideas. I prefer to see the bright side of what's offered and not worry. "Sometimes I still do" complain.
Obviously Big T is using our hard earned subscription money to finance the baby eating mostly lesbian satanists that are at the heart of sketchup.
I am using Windows 11 and no trouble using SketchUp Make 2017 what so ever, even just yesterday I was using SketchUp straight for 7 hours with only a mother nature break and getting coffee, never a problem.
The finished model I was working on was only:
Materials: 10
Polygons: 30,208
File Size: 6MB
But that was after running CleanUp3, so even more polygons.
But my laptop is only 3 years old, so maybe more stable in Windows 11, and compatibility with SketchUp Make 2017 may be better.
SO I have no idea why its happening to you, sorry.SketchUp Make 2017 for Hobbyists RULEZ