Quick way of pasting a face onto a different axis?
This is something we have to do continually everyday; whereby we have to copy & paste the faces of components/groups onto a differnet plane. Actually what we are doing is preparing a sheet material; nesting-up different faces of components for the CNC. The faces already perpendicular to the sheet area are OK, it‘s the opposite vertical faces that we have to rotate each time so they become flat against the sheet.
Hoping there is a really easy command; something as simple as a right click and Flip Along???Thank you,
Jerry -
I guess if I had to work that way I would make a copy of the component, explode it and then use one of the unfold extensions to make all the faces horizontal. Then I'd arrange them as needed. Unwrap and Flatten from the Extension Warehouse would work.
I'm curious about your modeling method. How do you account for the thickness of the sheet material in your components?
Thanks for the Extension heads-up! Drawing attached was a bad example. Whilst drawing, all our components will be extruded to the depth of sheet material we are using eg. 18mm / 12mm / 3mm etc. Then just laid-out flat on a sheet.
@jerrylambe said:
Then just laid-out flat on a sheet.
So each side of the box would be a 3D component? If that's the case, the Unfolding extensions won't be what you need.
If each panel is a component, I would set them up with their axes aligned so the red and green axes run along the long edges and the blue in the direction of their thickness. Then you can just pull copies of the components out from the In Model components and they will lay down flat.
Unwrap & Flatten very useful; but will explore setting the axis within each component, which is how I understand it. Many thanks!!
Maybe you'll be interested by OPEN CUT LIST
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